Well, isn’t this interesting (Trump/DeSantis 2024)

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      I had thought about it myself but figured it could not happen.  But maybe it will?

      I can hear the ree’ing now about 2 white men though. Not that race or gender should matter.



        News media just yesterday were saying Desantis narrowed the gap to less than 9 points in a head to head against trump. They are scared of both of them and i think terrified if they ran together.

        Trump I do not think could run again unless he gets away from all his covid vaccine talk. He needs to talk about the economy under him and treaties signed. And hammer down on how bad things are now. Gubberment lead by Bozo says inflation is at 8%… MY ASS! I can look at my checkbook and do a look at how much less is in it that 2 years ago, and I HAVE. It is closer to 24%.

        Desantis would be a good POTUS and electable if he can find the right VP im looking at you Kristi :)


          I’d rather Desantis run on his own and Trump NOT run. Desantis is much more well spoken and likable as a person for people I think.

          But, Trump’s ego wont allow him to not run.


            I would rather that too.  Let Trump lead “the movement” from civilian life and not the Oval Office.  It’s a matter of putting both Trump and Desantis where they can do the most good.


            I like Trump. His policies were the best of any president in my lifetime. I would even go as far as to say he was the first good president since Teddy Roosevelt. If not since Jefferson.

            However, he speaks like a 3rd grader, his performances at the presidential debates were absolutely terrible except for that one “you’d be in jail” zinger. He is unable to articulate why his policies and proposals work and kept saying “we’re going to hire the best” and “it’s going to be great”.
            Yes, I know he tried to reach the dummies (which is one of the failings inherent in democracy, because every idiot gets to vote), and it worked to a degree. But I think someone like a Shapiro, Tucker Carlson or Dave Rubin would be better suited to bring across the rationale behind the policies.  Ideally it would be an intellectual like Jordan Peterson.

            I think DeSantis would make a great president, and I hope he runs unobstructed by Trump. Trump would be great as a kingmaker in the background, the bull in the china shop who picks fights and goes on attack, while DeSantis can stay classy and stick to policy.


            I can’t see why Trump should not run. He has his record as a president, which looks better and better each day we must endure the current president. His age may be an issue, but so far as I know there are no signs of him suffering anything like Biden is.

            DeSantis is a strong contender, and with good reasons, certainly a strong pick if for some reason Trump doesn’t run. Having him as VP would be good, if for no other reason than as a back-up if something should happen to Trump.


              @Audie, yes his age is a major factor, plus he is the worse public speaker in history and to turn it around we need someone who says what he says and means what he means. He “Trump” in all reality could help put someone in office and that someone is DeSantis for certain.  Trump needs to campaign really hard for reformer Congressmen and Governors the next 2 years and have in place a Congress and Majority of Governors to support DeSantis.

              Then when he is elected they need to hit the ground running, possibly with a Convention for Amendments and really turn the nation around with Amendments to stop the corruption in Politics and remove Media Protections “Not freedom of the press” but Internet protections and define what “the press” actually is. By doing so they could remove the “Opinion givers” from press protections which puts a great many out of business if they cannot stop lying.

              But I just cannot see electing a 78 year old person, he might be different and maintain all his faculties and health. But it is a major concern, major for two reasons. 1 yes his health being one, but second I want to see DeSantis have two full terms. If trump was removed or dies then the remainder of his term counts has the VP 1st term. I think it will take a solid 8 to even 12 years to fix the nation and bring it back to its post ww2 growth and power. Maybe faster depending on who is in the Congress.


              I agree that Trump shouldn’t run due to how he talks. He is entertaining during rallies and on social media (though now his son is like that on SM). I’d rather have Desantis for president and Trump can be his “hype man.”


                Trump has already shown he is the “King Maker”.  His abilities lend themselves to this and to leading the movement.

                If he would just accept that, and “Knight” Desantis.  Desantis would be unstoppable.

                But I fear his ego is too big and 2024 will be “messy”.


                  Honestly in a head to head debate, DeSantis would embarrass Trump. Trump is a businessman, maybe smart, but just cannot put a normal sentence together without Ego in it. He would lose and then his ego would attack DeSantis until the election giving it to Biden.

                  Trump had his time, he needs to for the first time in his life check the ego and do what is right for the country not his Ego. He does that then he also opens the door for one of his son’s to maybe run after DeSantis.  Politics is a long game and why China is beating us in so many arenas. We need people in office who will act swiftly to take back those things.


                    I am glad Trump got elected.  It was a needed step, we needed a bull in the china shop.  We needed the shakeup and people on all sides needed to know to pay attention.

                    But, his time as President is over and needs to be over.  As mentioned he is still very valuable as an advisor and quasi-leader of the movement.

                    Desantis needs to run.  He would win easily.  Trump would be a toss up at best.


                    The last team I heard the Democrats floating was Kalama and Buttijeg.  I fully believe that is what they will do.  It’s the diversity dream team and that’s all they care about.  Are they useless morons?  Yes.  But useless and greedy morons make GREAT puppets.  Look at AOC.


                      My other issue with Trump running in 2024 is all the drama that flocks around him. It’s not his fault, but we had years of continual drama with his Presidency. The witch hunt STILL goes on years after he left office. I think if he got in there again it would be even worse this time. I don’t want that. Our country can’t take more of that frankly.

                      We need younger blood. Candidates with drive and energy. People with ideas, and people who actually care. No the establishment of old politicians set in their ways who do it for ego, money, power, and thrive off the division they create.

                      I think DeSantis is much more able to speak with the people, deescalate conflict, speak bluntly and factually, and weigh all sides. He is much more “presidential” material, but still has the same policies and ideas that Trump promoted. I think the media would calm down a bit with DeSantis. Sure, they wouldn’t like things he is doing, because the media has to have continual division, but the way he goes about things and his mannerisms would be much more acceptable to the media, and the people.

                      The only positive I see with a Trump/DeSantis card is that Trump would have 4 years, and then DeSantis could have 8 and that would give us 12 years. DeSantis would be a much more active and productive VP as well. But, again, we would have all the drama with Trump, and I don’t want that.



                        We will have the drama regardless if Trump is there or not, that is a simple fact. I have spoke all my life how bad it is for the country. But at this point after what the Dems and RINO’s have done to Trump and Others. I with all my heart hope if the Republicans get elected in November they return the favor in 100 fold. They need to show a Spine and willingness to attack with a vengeance and not just talk.

                        That might make the dems think twice in the future. But in all reality they need to pass Amendments to stop this shit in its tracks. No more Congress holding hearings and especially no more congressmen LYING, remove their damn immunity, they lie they are held to the same account we are, in fact I would go further and say it is an impeachable offense as well as a civil suit.

                        Desantis wins and dems in power they will do to him what they did to Trump because Congressmen cannot be recalled and are a protected class, time to remove that. The concept has been abused and when something is abused laws must be made or changed to stop the abuse.



                          I did say that there would still be drama, just not as much without Trump. Trump had more drama in part because of how he speaks. In fact, everyone I know who voted Trump says that. DeSantis doesn’t speak that way. Sure, the media and dems will still come after him, but it just wont be the same imo.

                          I personally am sick of the two party system and feel it is half the reason we are in the trash heep we are in. People pick sides instead of facing each issue on it’s own. People choose candidates based on which side they are on, not based on their stances and ideas. It’s a problem.


                            Here is a interesting thought.  Styx mentioned it this morning.

                            What if Desantis bows out of the presidential race, sticks to his guns in Florida and endorses Trump?

                            That would be very advantageous for Florida and then Desantis can solidify himself for 1 more term and then he can run.

                            I can see pros and cons of one endorsing the other in either direction.  But I do fear the drama if Trump wins again.  Yes, there would be drama either way but Trump tends to fan those flames instead of calming them.

                            But lets be honest.  Trump or Desantis in the next term would be light years better than what we have now.

                            But I think this will happen from this point on.  Biden will at some point bow out of the next race or possibly this presidency. This will be intentional to cast dispersions on Trump’s age.  Then Kamala will run and take someone like Buttijeg with her as VP.  Although I would not be shocked if we saw something silly like Stacy Abrams or AOC because the Democrats have lost their minds.  But the Democrats are NOT looking for anyone with talent or ability for this.  They just want diversity hires who will be good puppets.

                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Vknid.
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