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4 years ago 1 Comment

A new character design for the up and coming comic.

4 years ago 1 Comment

I’ve been diving in the world of comics as of late, and have taken up the self-imposed challenge of creating a character everyday. Gary from Nerdrotic gave the great advice that if you want to do comics, draw the hell out of them. Here’s today’s work. Enjoy

4 years ago no Comment

I’ve recently started working on drawing comics. It’s extremely challenging, but a joy to do.

4 years ago 2 Comments

Facebook put up this pic from 7 years ago on my feed today. I did this illustration for a rock band’s shirt up in Nagoya. I didn’t know it at the time, but I seemed to have depicted how things were going to be in 2020. Nostradamus, eat your heart out!

Figure Drawing Time Lapse Video
4 years ago no Comment

Check it out at my homepage. Thanks to Tokumaru sensei for holding the class at his studio all the time.

4 years ago no Comment

Finally, after a few months hiatus due to the beer bug, the figure drawing class at Tokumaru sensei’s studio came back. Here’s my work from today. Enjoy  

4 years ago no Comment

Why? Why is America and much of Western society trying so hard to change everything all at once. Why is everyone offended? Is your average person actually offended by a black person voicing a white character, or a white person voicing a black character, an asian character or a green alien? Do people REALLY care …

4 years ago 4 Comments

Finally getting around to working on a commissioned piece for the home-run king of Japan, Sadahara Oh. With the beer bug putting the breaks on our chunk of rock bolting through the universe, along with all the chaos going on in the world right now, it’s easy to fall into an abyss of melancholy. Working …

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Voices: 6 Replies: 6 Last active 4 years, 2 months ago
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