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  • Vknid

      But the question is about consent, not the act itself. Just like you can’t just punch and wrestle down someone, hand them money and call it an MMA fight. If the person gives permission to do it and is okay with it then by all means.

      Same thing with the male gaze. It’s okay to check someone out but if they are feeling uncomfortable by someone drooling and whistling then it is creepy yes. Just like you can’t rape someone and leave a stash of cash and say it’s sex work. Consent is key.

      It was an over the top example to point out the hypocrisy of payment being the difference between good sexual activity and bad sexual activity. I was not coming at the consent part at all.  However, that part begs a question.  If I wanted to make AI porn of Danny Deveto is that a consent problem?  His image is public as he has made it public for decades. Or does it then become a licensing issue?    Which sort of bring us back to my statement about payment being the difference.  And This is actually a question I am stating out loud as a point of conversation it’s not me saying it’s the case.

      But the AI hands people a shortcut and makes it easier for them to hurt others. And not just hurting but there are already for example youtubers who have made an AI avatar for themselves which gathers infi from previous videos, being able to replicate the speaking style and sense of humor so the person themself doesn’t need to do anything but roll in the money when AI makes the content all by itself.

      AI is like anything else.  A gun, a hammer or a brick.  These are tools to do certain things.  But if someone wishes to use them as a weapon they can.  It is impossible to restrict the tool to be used only as a tool but not a weapon.  Sure, you can make laws about using those things as weapons.  But laws do not restrict anyone from doing anything, they are simply a list of consequences if you do.

      This idea where new technology will only bring good things is an unrealistic expectation. And the further idea that we must take away freedom based on new technology is also a bad thought.

      This is very similar to the idea that we should control information and there should be some authority to make it so that only “verified” information is allowed and that “hate speech” is not propagated.  Yes someone should indeed decide these things.  But not a central authority. Every person consuming said thing should decide for themselves what is true and what is not.  Not the government or some BS fact checker.  We either want freedom or we don’t. No one entity can guarantee you safety and freedom outside of God.  You will always exchange one for the other.

      Freedom is messy because it provides autonomy.  If you centrally control anything you remove that autonomy.

      Bad ideas do not propagate because they are said out loud, they propagate when they go unchallenged.



      Topic: The Abolition of Man

      in forum Books

      For anyone interested, the book can be found here and a video of someone reading the book can be found here.

      This isn’t so much a book review as it is an attempt to try to understand what Lewis was writing, and to see how what he wrote may be playing out now.

      One thing Lewis tries to establish early on is that there is a universal code of morals and ethics. It is universal because almost all aspects of it are found across all human cultures in all times. “This conception in all its forms, Platonic, Aristotelian, Stoic, Christian, and Oriental alike, I shall henceforth refer to for brevity simply as ‘the Tao’.” (p. 8).

      The existence of this code is of primary importance to humanity. “The head rules the belly through the chest—the seat, as Alanus tells us, of Magnanimity, of emotions organized by trained habit into stable sentiments. The Chest-Magnanimity-Sentiment—these are the indispensable liaison officers between cerebral man and visceral man. It may even be said that it is by this middle element that man is man: for by his intellect he is mere spirit and by his appetite mere animal.” (p. 11).

      To take away this code would be to create what Lewis calls “Men Without Chests”. “And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” (p. 12).

      Is this something we can see with our own eyes, the effects of this void between our heads and our stomachs, between our minds and our appetites? I can think of the recent outbreak of mass robberies in certain cities, where large crowds of people rush into stores, steal in an almost haphazard manner whatever is at hand, then leave. And when the businesses shut down and leave for better, safer places, they will cry that their neighborhoods are being abandoned by those greedy businesses.

      It could even be that the whole of what we called “cancel culture” is an example of this void. For most of those who participate in cancelings, it seems to be less about intellect, about the give-and-take of ideas and only shutting the doors to truly heinous ideas, but about silencing any idea that they find troubling, or that simply disagrees with them. They are simply obeying their own desires, their own emotions, their own appetites., and have given no thought to the idea that the same rules they want to use against others could very well also be used against them.

      Or the recent examples of transgender madness, or people intentionally exposes young children to sexually charged drag shows, or the insanity during the time of Covid over things that we now know were useless and even lies,. I’m sure other people can add to the list of things that show how as a whole our minds and our appetites have been separated, how our culture is being pushed around by people who are ruled by their appetites and not ruling their emotions by their minds.

      Lewis gives us a possible scenario of how things may finally play out. “At the moment, then, of Man’s victory over Nature, we find the whole human race subjected to some individual men, and those individuals subjected to that in themselves which is purely ‘natural’—to their irrational impulses. Nature, untrammelled by values, rules the Conditioners and, through them, all humanity. Man’s conquest of Nature turns out, in the moment of its consummation, to be Nature’s conquest of Man. Every victory we seemed to win has led us, step by step, to this conclusion. All Nature’s apparent reverses have been but tactical withdrawals. We thought we were beating her back when she was luring us on. What looked to us like hands held up in surrender was really the opening of arms to enfold us for ever. If the fully planned and conditioned world (with its Tao a mere product of the planning) comes into existence, Nature will be troubled no more by the restive species that rose in revolt against her so many millions of years ago, will be vexed no longer by its chatter of truth and mercy and beauty and happiness. Ferum victorem cepit: and if the eugenics are efficient enough there will be no second revolt, but all snug beneath the Conditioners, and the Conditioners beneath her, till the moon falls or the sun grows cold.” (pp. 31-32).

      “Traditional values are to be ‘debunked’ and mankind to be cut out into some fresh shape at the will (which must, by hypothesis, be an arbitrary will) of some few lucky people in one lucky generation which has learned how to do it. The belief that we can invent ‘ideologies’ at pleasure, and the consequent treatment of mankind as mere ulh, specimens, preparations, begins to affect our very language. Once we killed bad men: now we liquidate unsocial elements. Virtue has become integration and diligence dynamism, and boys likely to be worthy of a commission are ‘potential officer material’. Most wonderful of all, the virtues of thrift and temperance, and even of ordinary intelligence, are sales-resistance.” (p. 34).

      What we are left with is a vast herd of sheep called humanity who are ruled by some few who through education will not train us in how to think but will tell us what to think. They will not believe in a code themselves, but they will force a code upon all the sheep below them.

      Yet since they themselves have no code, what code can these dear leaders force upon us? Only what is convenient for them. They have no code that tells them to care one whit for the sheep, except perhaps insofar as happy sheep make for happy shepherds. But the rules they make for the sheep will not be rules they intend to keep themselves.

      Consider the climate fearmongers. In words, they are very ready to make dire predictions, and in actions, they are very ready to make the lives of the sheep very difficult. But in their actions regarding themselves, they are very ready to ignore their own rules. When they gave for their conferences, they come on their private jets with the vast entourages of people and armadas of vehicles. Their homes are examples of energy waste.

      If I could offer one counterpoint, it’s not as if such hypocrisy is new. Jesus denounced the religious rulers of His day for putting burdens of the people that the rulers themselves would not touch.

      Hey @thomasparker1399 thanks  for watching & commenting. The funny thing is I was actually thinking about making another video. I’m working on another Scenic Video with some Death Animations to keep it lively. It might be up in the next few days. The videos take a while to produce since they are usually 20gb files at 4k rendered at 60fps, so they are very resource draining on even my laptop.

      G&G has definitely helped my channel out, especially in views, so all support is much appreciated since the Youtube algorithm refuses to suggest my videos.
      I’m also going to do some movie reviews shortly: Dune & Mission Impossible.



      Henry was on the last Mission Impossible film (I can’t remember the title) with him. I’ve heard it was pretty good.


      Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One | The Biggest Stunt in Cinema History (Tom Cruise)

      Commission investigating Ottawa’s use of the Emergencies Act delayed until October

      The commission tasked with investigating the federal government’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act during the convoy protest has been delayed and will now begin its work on Oct. 13.

      Why the delay?

      In a news release, the Public Order Emergency Commission said its work is being postponed because its chair, former judge Paul S. Rouleau, “has advised that he is required to undergo surgery to address a health issue that has very recently arisen.”

      Convenient timing.

      “I want to assure Canadians of my commitment to completing the work of the commission in a timely manner,” Rouleau said in the release. “Commission staff, with the cooperation of all parties, [have] made significant progress over the past several weeks in obtaining and reviewing documents, conducting interviews, and preparing for the start of public hearings.

      “While it will be impossible for me to start the hearings as originally planned because of my surgery, the commission remains focused on meeting the statutory timetable. I thank all stakeholders for their understanding of these circumstances that are beyond my control.”

      But if the surgery is postponed, or complications leads to more delays, what happens is the statutory timetable is missed?  Is it completely tossed, with no final report to Canadians.

      The commission’s final report is required to be tabled in both the House of Commons and Senate by Feb. 20, 2023.

      But if the chair of the commission is unable to?

      The commission was formed to assess the government’s unprecedented decision to invoke the law in response to the so-called Freedom Convoy protest in February.

      The formation of a commission to investigate the decision is required by law.

      We know it was a huge over-reach/over-reaction by the libtard government, whom were more interested in their international image than to address the concerns of the average Canadian.


      1964 Bewitched

      1966 Mission : Impossible

      1964 Jonny Quest

      McHale’s Navy





      Hillary Clinton tried to warn us — and paid the price. Let’s at least call Republicans what they are

      Talk about projections!  Just the title of that article!

      During a speech in September 2016, Hillary Clinton — then the Democratic presidential nominee — warned the American people and the world of the dangers represented by Donald Trump and his followers. She described the “volatile political environment” of that moment:

      This from the same one tied to the lies about the russian collusion.

      After that speech, Clinton was pilloried by the mainstream news media, some leading Democrats, and of course the Republican Party and right-wing propaganda hate machine.

      Because it should us her true character.  She HATED amercians!  She HATED free-thinkers!  She HATED people who were not NPC’s and slaves to her party!

      That reaction to Clinton’s truth-telling helped to legitimate Trumpism and American neofascism (operating under the mask of “populism”) as something that was reasonable and understandable, rather than as a manifestation of racial resentment, a racist temper tantrum and a declaration of white supremacy.

      What a bunch of lies in that one sentence!

      Everything I see written there is exactly the mentality of the dems.

      By example, take a look at that which is currently in the WH.

      “If you don’t vote for me, you want BLACK!:

      Or what they where calling a Black Man who was the leading candidate to replace Newson in the recall.  That the Black Man was the face of “white supremacy”?

      This reflected our society’s deep investment in a narrative of white racial innocence. In that logic, America is a great and exceptional country…

      The american dream, that so many people come there for.  Freedoms that no other nation has ever given.

      Many members of the news media likely agreed with Clinton’s warnings in private, but the institution as a whole had been beaten into submission by Republican fictions about so-called liberal bias. So it was that Clinton’s warning about Trump and his “deplorables” — and their embrace of fascism — was deemed to be outside the limits of approved public discourse.

      What magic mushrooms are you been taking?

      The media’s attack on anyone now as extreme toxic far-alt-left as them have been attacked NON-Stop!

      Clinton fended off suggestions that the world was now witnessing the twilight of US democracy, but said: “I do believe we are in a struggle for the future of our country”…

      They the embarrassment of the retreat from Afghanistan?

      The Crisis at the border, when there was none before this current admin?

      An obvious figurehead acting as POTUS, where his handlers can cut him off and shoe journalists out where they are “real” questions?

      Unfortunately, her recent comments also reveal how many other members of the American political class have failed to accurately describe the Republican Party and the neofascist movement.

      Just like the fail to accurately describe the alt-far-left marxist movement that is the dems.

      Today’s Republican Party is in fact a right-wing extremist organization, and fascist in all but name. Its followers and voters embrace and act upon those values and beliefs.

      Replace the words “Republican” and “right” to “democrat” and “left”, in that whole article would be more accurate.

      The slippage of language and its attempt to normalize the American fascist movement and Republican Party’s assaults on democracy will soon lead to ridiculous claims by the American commentariat and larger political class — if this hasn’t happened already — about a distinction between violent fascists and extremists and those who wear nice suits and prefer to operate without bloodshed. We can negotiate with the “reasonable” fascists, we will surely be told, in the interests of “consensus” and “bipartisanship.”

      Once again, what a load of sh!t.

      Violent fascists and extremists… like blm and antifa!  And the AG and the dems in congress in the suits protecting them!

      And pelosi wants nothing to do with “consensus” and “bipartisanship”.  It is her way or the hiway.


      See how they, this writer, and the legacy media are STILL projecting everything they do onto their opponents.


      But in fact, words have actual meanings. Fascism cannot be separated from violence, and it is incoherent beyond its fantasies of dominance and power and its desire to vanquish democracy and the truth. In the final analysis, there is no way to negotiate with fascists, because for them victory is all that matters. Reasonable compromise with such a force in a liberal democratic society is impossible, and any quest for it amounts to surrender.

      Victory for the dems, and their power hungry ways.

      Vanquishing the truth by not allowing it out.  How long did it take for the DEBUNKED and FALSE russian collusion?  Why are they so against election audits, to prove to the doubters there was NO fraud, and all the LAWS regarding the elections were followed?  Why are they so against finding the truth of the virus of unknown origin and the funding that the us gave them?

      Your actions have only shown how it is the left, and their agenda and propaganda is this the TRUE threat to democracy and to truth.

      Donald Trump and his followers are now purging those remaining Republican politicians who are deemed to be traitors or otherwise disloyal to the movement.

      They are talking about the RINOs (republican in name only).

      People who are voting in under the republican banner, but in fact are democrats in what they do and believe in.

      There is so much is article is deliberately writing falsely, I am sick of trying to read it all.

      But for one last point:

      Today’s Republican Party is using fascism to create a new 21st century American apartheid. With all due respect to Hillary Clinton, who tried to warn us, we must not mince words. Let us call such an abomination what it truly is.

      What delusionment!

      It is the dems and the left that are calling for segregated classrooms, segregated graduations, segregated universities, segregated this that and everything else!

      Critical racists theories being forced onto as many youth as possible, to make them the RACISTS the dems and the left WANTS.

      They want to divide the county, not unite it.

      The dems are the cancer to democracy, to truth, to freedom, etc.


      And just like the first article (above), about the constant lies on the clintons and their media and the left and the dems, this other article doubles and triples done on continuing to spread lies!


      Lara Croft is the beating heart of the Tomb Raider franchise. She’s the iconic face and the chief star. And now the new anime series, Tomb Raider, has finally found its fearless adventurer. Netflix and Legendary Television have announced that Hayley Atwell will voice Lara Croft in the upcoming show.

      Action-oriented franchises are Atwell’s specialty. Atwell is joining Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible 7, set to release September 30, 2022. She is, of course, also known for her turn as Peggy Carter in Marvel’s Captain America. And, recently, she brought Peggy to life in an animated way. Atwell voiced Peggy Carter in Marvel Studio’s What If…?. A fitting precursor to this casting news.

      the video-game reboot trilogy. The logline for the show shares:

      Lara Croft, one of the video game world’s most iconic adventurers, makes her anime debut in an all new series. Picking up after the events of the highly successful Tomb Raider video-game reboot trilogy, the animated series will chart the globetrotting heroine’s latest, greatest adventure. Twenty-five years after her first game appeared, Lara continues to explore new territory.

      Like many beloved franchises, Tomb Raider has now been around for nearly two decades. But with fresh takes and fresh voices, it continues to evolve. The Witcher: Blood Origin writer Tasha Huo will also write and executive produce this show. Additional executive producers include dj2 Entertainment Founder and CEO Dmitri M. Johnson. Howard Bliss and Stephan Bugaj; and Jacob Robinson, under his company Tractor Pants, also join them.

      The release shares, “In the 25 years since its launch, the Tomb Raider video game series has sold over 84 million copies and garnered a treasure chest worth of awards.” We’re excited to see what this next chapter will bring. Hayley Atwell’s Lara Croft will surely set the scene.

      China rebuffs WHO’s terms for further COVID-19 origins study

      BEIJING — China cannot accept the World Health Organization’s plan for the second phase of a study into the origins of COVID-19, a senior Chinese health official said Thursday.

      Of course not.  They DON’T want the truth to come it.

      Zeng Yixin, the vice minister of the National Health Commission, said he was “rather taken aback” that the plan includes further investigation of the theory that the virus might have leaked from a Chinese lab.

      That you paid-off the first group of investigators, and now with renewed demands for nations of the world wanting more and proper investigations in the origins!

      “It is impossible for us to accept such an origin-tracing plan,” he said at a news conference called to address the COVID-19 origins issue.

      Because you know if was FROM your Wuhan lab, doing gain-of-function research, that was being paid for by money Dr.Fraud funneled them.

      China accuses critics of seeking to blame it for the pandemic and politicizing an issue that should be left to scientists.

      By refusing scientists from investigation the source, and making sure it does not happen again?

      The first phase was conducted earlier this year by an international team of scientists who came to Wuhan to work with their Chinese counterparts. The team was accused of bowing to demands from the Chinese side after it initially indicated that further study wasn’t necessary.

      Hence the need to go back WITHOUT interference by the CCP.

      Yuan Zhiming, the director of the biosafety lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, said they had not stored or studied the new coronavirus before the outbreak. “I want to emphasize that …. the Wuhan Institute of Virology has never designed, made or leaked the novel coronavirus,” he said.

      But they released it, is what they don’t want the world to know.  Either by accident or deliberately (selling infected bat to the food market, from technicians who were infected, or both.)

      Tedros said last week that he hoped for better co-operation and access to data from China. “We are asking China to be transparent, open and co-operate, especially on the information, raw data that we asked for in the early days of the pandemic,” he said.

      Data that the CCP has had over a year to hide or destroy?  Fat chance on getting that!

      China has frequently sought to deflect accusations that the pandemic originated in Wuhan and was allowed to spread by early bureaucratic missteps and an attempted coverup.

      The CCP wanting to coverup an event?  They would never do that  *** cough cough  *** tiananmen square *** cough cough ***



      Barney Miller

      The Odd Couple 1970-1975

      The Bob Newhart Show

      WKRP in Cincinnati

      The Jeffersons

      Mission Impossible



      The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

      Gilligan’s island

      The Avengers

      Star Trek :TOS

      I dream Of Jeannie

      Get Smart

      Hogan’s Heroes

      The Dick Van Dyke Show

      Mission: impossible

      Green Acres

      The Addams Family


      Jonny Quest 1964


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