Hillary Clinton should apologize for biggest political hoax since Titus Oates

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    Hillary Clinton should apologize for biggest political hoax since Titus Oates

    It’s the biggest political hoax since Titus Oates’s allegations of a “Popish plot” to assassinate King Charles II in 1678. Oates’s charge of a Jesuit conspiracy swept through London and led to the execution of four innocent men before Oates was proved a fraud.

    And how does that compare to what clinton did?

    The full consequences of the great political hoax of our time — the charge that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia — are not yet fully apparent.

    Tell me more.

    And while he (Trump) has faced the derision of most of the news media and the disagreement of some in his party, that wasn’t true of the utterly baseless charges that Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

    It took some time for Oates’s Popish plot to be revealed as a hoax and for many who believed it to acknowledge it as such. The Russia collusion hoax now seems to be unraveling, but we have yet to see many confessions of error from Democrats or their friends in the press.

    You expect a habitual liar to come clean?  Really? ! ?

    The latest in the unraveling comes in special counsel John Durham’s indictment of Democratic lawyer Michael Sussman for lying to the FBI general counsel when he denied he was acting “for any client” in forwarding bogus documents that supposedly showed communications between Trump’s business and a Russian bank.

    Sussman is entitled in court to the presumption of innocence. But the facts alleged in the 27-page indictment are powerful evidence of a concerted attempt by the Hillary Clinton campaign, including those reporting to the candidate herself, to delegitimize the candidacy and, after his surprise victory, the presidency of Donald Trump by charges as false as those of Titus Oates.

    And yet the media and the dems are STILL standing by their bogus and DEBUNKED collusion smear.

    She and her advisers damaged the nation by promoting false charges against a duly elected president. She owes the nation an apology, just as Titus Oates owed England an apology 343 years ago.

    She owes the nation far more than just an apology.

    The biased media ALSO needs more than just an apology.


    And guess what?

    At the same time this article came out, we got another trying to make the clinton mofia look good.


    Hillary Clinton tried to warn us — and paid the price. Let’s at least call Republicans what they are

    Talk about projections!  Just the title of that article!

    During a speech in September 2016, Hillary Clinton — then the Democratic presidential nominee — warned the American people and the world of the dangers represented by Donald Trump and his followers. She described the “volatile political environment” of that moment:

    This from the same one tied to the lies about the russian collusion.

    After that speech, Clinton was pilloried by the mainstream news media, some leading Democrats, and of course the Republican Party and right-wing propaganda hate machine.

    Because it should us her true character.  She HATED amercians!  She HATED free-thinkers!  She HATED people who were not NPC’s and slaves to her party!

    That reaction to Clinton’s truth-telling helped to legitimate Trumpism and American neofascism (operating under the mask of “populism”) as something that was reasonable and understandable, rather than as a manifestation of racial resentment, a racist temper tantrum and a declaration of white supremacy.

    What a bunch of lies in that one sentence!

    Everything I see written there is exactly the mentality of the dems.

    By example, take a look at that which is currently in the WH.

    “If you don’t vote for me, you want BLACK!:

    Or what they where calling a Black Man who was the leading candidate to replace Newson in the recall.  That the Black Man was the face of “white supremacy”?

    This reflected our society’s deep investment in a narrative of white racial innocence. In that logic, America is a great and exceptional country…

    The american dream, that so many people come there for.  Freedoms that no other nation has ever given.

    Many members of the news media likely agreed with Clinton’s warnings in private, but the institution as a whole had been beaten into submission by Republican fictions about so-called liberal bias. So it was that Clinton’s warning about Trump and his “deplorables” — and their embrace of fascism — was deemed to be outside the limits of approved public discourse.

    What magic mushrooms are you been taking?

    The media’s attack on anyone now as extreme toxic far-alt-left as them have been attacked NON-Stop!

    Clinton fended off suggestions that the world was now witnessing the twilight of US democracy, but said: “I do believe we are in a struggle for the future of our country”…

    They the embarrassment of the retreat from Afghanistan?

    The Crisis at the border, when there was none before this current admin?

    An obvious figurehead acting as POTUS, where his handlers can cut him off and shoe journalists out where they are “real” questions?

    Unfortunately, her recent comments also reveal how many other members of the American political class have failed to accurately describe the Republican Party and the neofascist movement.

    Just like the fail to accurately describe the alt-far-left marxist movement that is the dems.

    Today’s Republican Party is in fact a right-wing extremist organization, and fascist in all but name. Its followers and voters embrace and act upon those values and beliefs.

    Replace the words “Republican” and “right” to “democrat” and “left”, in that whole article would be more accurate.

    The slippage of language and its attempt to normalize the American fascist movement and Republican Party’s assaults on democracy will soon lead to ridiculous claims by the American commentariat and larger political class — if this hasn’t happened already — about a distinction between violent fascists and extremists and those who wear nice suits and prefer to operate without bloodshed. We can negotiate with the “reasonable” fascists, we will surely be told, in the interests of “consensus” and “bipartisanship.”

    Once again, what a load of sh!t.

    Violent fascists and extremists… like blm and antifa!  And the AG and the dems in congress in the suits protecting them!

    And pelosi wants nothing to do with “consensus” and “bipartisanship”.  It is her way or the hiway.


    See how they, this writer, and the legacy media are STILL projecting everything they do onto their opponents.


    But in fact, words have actual meanings. Fascism cannot be separated from violence, and it is incoherent beyond its fantasies of dominance and power and its desire to vanquish democracy and the truth. In the final analysis, there is no way to negotiate with fascists, because for them victory is all that matters. Reasonable compromise with such a force in a liberal democratic society is impossible, and any quest for it amounts to surrender.

    Victory for the dems, and their power hungry ways.

    Vanquishing the truth by not allowing it out.  How long did it take for the DEBUNKED and FALSE russian collusion?  Why are they so against election audits, to prove to the doubters there was NO fraud, and all the LAWS regarding the elections were followed?  Why are they so against finding the truth of the virus of unknown origin and the funding that the us gave them?

    Your actions have only shown how it is the left, and their agenda and propaganda is this the TRUE threat to democracy and to truth.

    Donald Trump and his followers are now purging those remaining Republican politicians who are deemed to be traitors or otherwise disloyal to the movement.

    They are talking about the RINOs (republican in name only).

    People who are voting in under the republican banner, but in fact are democrats in what they do and believe in.

    There is so much is article is deliberately writing falsely, I am sick of trying to read it all.

    But for one last point:

    Today’s Republican Party is using fascism to create a new 21st century American apartheid. With all due respect to Hillary Clinton, who tried to warn us, we must not mince words. Let us call such an abomination what it truly is.

    What delusionment!

    It is the dems and the left that are calling for segregated classrooms, segregated graduations, segregated universities, segregated this that and everything else!

    Critical racists theories being forced onto as many youth as possible, to make them the RACISTS the dems and the left WANTS.

    They want to divide the county, not unite it.

    The dems are the cancer to democracy, to truth, to freedom, etc.


    And just like the first article (above), about the constant lies on the clintons and their media and the left and the dems, this other article doubles and triples done on continuing to spread lies!


    No collusion: How Americans were fed a false tale about Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign

    Does anyone still believe the story that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to win the 2016 presidential election? If so, special counsel John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko should put their minds at rest.

    Fact’s don’t matter to the lunatic left!

    The 39-page document is rich with detail on the origins, use and abuse of the Russian collusion story as a means to undermine the 2016 Trump campaign.

    Which has been proven to be faked, debunked, and is the biggest political lie/hoax since Titus Oates!

    The Danchenko indictment is particularly telling in detailing how the fake story was inserted into the political ecosystem, starting with Dolan and perhaps others. Danchenko allegedly fed the falsehoods to Steele, a British former intelligence operative hired by Fusion GPS to conduct the research.

    And the FBI/courts were duped.  Well the gig is up, and it is time to face the piper for the lies.

    By 2017, it was clear that “Russian collusion” was just a political dirty trick. But the narrative was firmly embedded in the liberal mind, and the wheels of the Washington investigative apparatus were turning, so the false story lived on.

    And the leftist propaganda media has never apologies for spreading these well known LIES!  Even today.

    Its legitimacy was bolstered in 2018 by Pulitzer Prizes awarded to (two leftist activists impersonating journalists institutions) for “deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage” of “Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration.”

    And POTUS Trumps calls for those awards to be rescinded on the facts they were all false, misleading, and spreading lies.

    Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was supposed to have been the grand reckoning for Trump, the comprehensive exposure of the colluders and how they undermined American democracy.

    But on the matter of collusion with the Trump campaign, Mueller came up empty, and for good reason. The collusion never existed.

    It was all a dems wet dreams of undermining the will of the American Population, and spreading fake, false, misinformation, etc. because future dictator queen clinton did not get her coronation she wanted.

    This is good news, and hopefully more indictments will follow. It is important to understand how operatives connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign conspired to harness the political system to undermine American democracy and weaken a legitimately elected president.

    We still need to go after the people who paid for it, and authorized it, and designed this whole dossier-gate.

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