7 out of 8 voters in Michigan born in 1900

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  • #197417

      A poll watcher has caught concrete evidence that Michigan voter fraud is going on.  Seven out of eight voters on 1 screen alone were born in 1900.  Making them 120 years old.


      EXCLUSIVE: Poll Watcher in Michigan Kicked Out of Detroit Hall But Not Before They Obtained Evidence of Potential Fraud




      I think one of the most outrageous things in all this insanity is how inept it turns out the Left has been at this. In the day when everyone has a camera in their pocket, it takes a second to record something fishy. They had their whole master plan ready to go…and they do it in the most obvious and sloppy way where the entire world sees it, banking on the now officially morally bankrupt Legacy Media telling us all not to believe our lying eyes.


      Cut yourself off from Legacy Media. Find other outlets and watch better sources on YouTube.

      I admit I was trying my best to forgive Fox News for months, I am ashamed I denied what was happening slowly, but after all this (with the exception of Greg Gutfeld and Tucker) they can all go to hell as accomplices in this farce.


      biden2020 6th sense


      Agreed Tucker & Gutfelt are the only actual Conservatives on Fox. Watters and the blond from the five are close but seeminly only whan GG is watching them.

      The left hasnt won an election in 40 years w/o cheating it and this is why we need to purge voter rolls of the dead and mandate not only in person voting permanatly but voter IDs. You cant have this kind of bullshit.


      Have you seen how badly democratic held cities and states are doing?

      They are the worst run areas in the whole country.


      So to see evidence of how inept they are… is not shocking, by expected.

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