A-hole SJW ruins Christmas

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  • #200413

      What the fuck is wrong with these people?!?!?!



      Neoliberals are so scared of guns they think one will just come alive and start randomly shooting, as though criminals have no agency of their own.

      We spend so much time screaming at each other over politics we not once give a thought as to how our own behaviour might be affecting children.

      If you think this generation of young adults is bad now just wait until the 2030’s roll around.


      This soibased bitch is not even a man. Serously it sounded like a 50 year old woman.

      Stephen Crowder fixed this shit right this morning. Had both the parents on for a good 5 min (The father is a cop BTW) asked them if there was anything that was on the boys wish list that was beyond tehir budget and offered to get it for him.

      THEY SIAD NO the list is fufiled. His offer was then extended to ayone they know who may need the assistance.

      He then had the boy on for another must have been 10 minuets while he told him life will be just fine. In a santa suit the entire time.


      King behaviour from Crowder


      Eat shit retard.

      He corrected a failure.


      Who are you talking to, I just praised Crowder’s actions. I believe he handled it very well.


      Well, it was later told the SJW shit got fired, and the mall PURCHASED a nerf gun toy for the boy.

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