Alex Jones ordered to pay $965M US

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    Alex Jones ordered to pay $965M US

    The conspiracy theorist Alex Jones should pay $965 million US to people who suffered from his false claim that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax, a jury in Connecticut decided Wednesday.

    WTF?  Nearly a BILLION Dollars?

    It came in a lawsuit filed by the relatives of five children and three educators killed in the mass shooting, plus an FBI agent who was among the first responders to the scene.

    For nine people, that is almost $100 MILLION per person! ! !

    A Texas jury in August awarded nearly $50 million US to the parents of another slain child.

    So this jury is awarding TWICE the value per person killed in this lawsuit.

    Twenty children and six adults died in the shooting on Dec. 14, 2012. The defamation trial was held at a courthouse in Waterbury, about 32 kilometres from Newtown, where the attack took place.

    That is over $1 Billion dollars for just 10 of the 26 people who were “killed” at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012, by a jury who by living so close to the killings, must have been hard not to be biased.

    Jones’s lawyer, Norm Pattis, said the verdict was higher than he expected. He plans to appeal.

    Jones is no billionaire.

    The trial featured tearful testimony from parents and siblings of the victims, who told about how they were threatened and harassed for years by people who believed the lies told on Jones’ show.

    Then go after those people.  The ones making the threats.  Surely the FBI can find them and the DOJ can charge them?

    Does this now mean that ANY in the media, their corporations, can be sued for spreading misinformation where some lunatic acts on it?

    And if Alex Jones and his company can’t afford to pay the BILLIONS these juries are awarding, then what?

    Confiscate ALL the banks accounts and assets (buildings, homes, cars, furniture, etc), and force it so that ALL future earnings are forfeit?

    Permanently making it so that Jones can no longer make a living (aka un-personing him).


    Screenshot 2022-10-12 at 23-35-03 Tom Sauer on Twitter


    Screenshot 2022-10-12 at 23-34-33 vioxx alex jones - Twitter Search _ Twitter


      This is done not so much to punish Jones but to be a warning to anyone else that might get uppity and go against the mainstream in the public.


      The loss of young ones in such a violent manner is something that people could empathize which makes it an emotionally charged issue more so than the Pfizer one. That probably factored heavily into the mismatch of the penalties awarded.

      I’m torn to be honest. I like Alex’s brash and outspoken nature and he shouldn’t be punished for that. Be as outrageous as you want but once you cross the line you’re going down.



      No one died from Brain Force.
      No one died from Super Male Vitality

      Screenshot 2022-10-13 at 05-46-38 ede8788f344ccd74.png (PNG Image 841 × 334 pixels)


        Jones was not right for what he said about those kids and that situation.  But was that slander?  Maybe.  I did not follow everything he said so I cannot say.  But 1 billion dollars is nothing but a continued attack on him so as to be warning to everyone else.

        And as I understand it that is what they got him on.  NOT “misinformation” (although intentionally saying something incorrect would be disinformation)  but slander.  And slander means the parties talked about can prove some sort of actual damages so it goes beyond just words.


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        This is disgusting, forcing someone to pay that much money, regardless if they’re right or wrong. As one who knows someone who has been an actual victim of a shooting there’s a right and wrong way to try and go about claiming that something is true or not.


        From some of his opinions on this, based on the evidence he had, it did look like it could have been a false flag operation, and Alex was saying as much.  (Not in every vid, but often).

        And as his has stated often, he is an entertainer who acts as new reporter (or some such term).

        He brings in facts, opinions, etc, as part of his show.  He is a showman.

        Never did I recall Alex ever said anything to harrass or terrorize those people.  NEVER.

        That is strictly on those individuals.


        The fact in those “trials” he was not allowed to bring up his “first amendment rights” because his company did not provide financial records, I find grounds for a mistrial.

        And as the examples other have shown in this topic, Merck paid $25,000 per death (of 38,000 deaths) as it was THEIR defective products (and the lies around it).

        Alex did not kill anyone, nor order/tell people to abuse the parents of those killed at Sandy Hook.

        In any appeal of the penalty, I would bring this case up and show a precident was set.  No more than $25K per person those lost their lives.


        I also agree, this is nothing but to censor opinions the left does not agree with (does not want out their as it goes against their agenda/narrative.)


        A showman. Yes. Entertainer. Yes. Exactly.

        Rappers are protected from things they say. Rappers can go out there and tell people to kill and they are protected. Contrast that with any online comment and everyday normal people are oppressed for posts and tweets. We would get terminated from employment. Look at what just happened to Kanye. The sheer amount if inequality and inconsistencies is overwhelming. We live in a charade. It’s more of a dictatorship all the time. The illusion is wearing off.


          Showman or not, at the end of the day we all know why this is.  He knew and said things that hard countered the narrative as well as taught many others to question things and dig behind the media facade.


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            That meme cuts me.  As a young (and stupid) man I fully supported Bush and that war. I now know how utterly wrong I was and how much lying they did so they could enforce their agenda.  I now consider Bush to be nothing but a NeoCon war monger.  No, he wasn’t a radical progressive but I put him in the same category because it was the same song just slightly different beat.

            In fact someone should write a book called, “The Dixie Chicks Were Right”.  I remember to this day they openly questioned the war and Bush.  I don’t recall if they had some agenda or if they were just looking behind the curtain and saw the “wizard”.  But they got their careers crushed because of it.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Vknid.

            @Vknid Yeah. Same here. I was wrong. Fooled completely by that. When you look back, it’s just a line-up of non-stop wars. Saddam, Kosovo, Osama Bin Laden, Afghanistan, now Ukraine. After all these wars, Americans are rewarded with open borders, vaccines, lockdowns, lectured on other religions, and after a while, the double-speak took it’s toll and I have zero faith in the government, media or military-industrial complex. The worst part about it is when your own family members or friends question your loyalty and try to push war propaganda on you. If a person even mentions the term “America First,” suddenly, the concept of loyalty and honor evaporates because it’s a one-way street. The loyalty is on your end, but never on theirs.

            An elder senior I know mentioned to me the other day that she toured Egypt, Iraq and Syria, I think in her youth. She said it was at peace at that time and that, in her lifetime, all the “liberation” left those places destroyed, war-torn and violent. In other words, worse off than before. Someone mentioned during that conversation the Beirut Hotel explosion, and I recall my mind-blown by that.  Some of those people end up in the west, and then, the media runs headlines about how “civil war” is coming.   It’s a good comment on your part about Neo-con warmonger and radical progressive because they say that’s exactly what keeps happening. That now, with the war in Ukraine the warmongers like Bill Kristol just keep flip-flopping parties and switching parties,  leaving many to ask what happened to the anti-war left? You can see the puppeteering of it all, how some voices are magnified and others silenced, but either way, we get the wars and the extortion. The Dixie Chicks deserve and apology. They were free-thinkers.


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