Anyone like G.I. Joe…?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub CobraCast Anyone like G.I. Joe…?

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    Thank you for posting this. I gotta tell ya, TV and movies are all woke. Even the ads and commercials are so woke now, that I almost think the machine does not want fans and I feel like I am being pushed to Ai. I already prefer the Ai music and I am now starting to turn to Ai Star Wars trailers because I get more of a Star Wars buzz from the Ai trailers than I do from Disney.

    If you think about it, Mark Hamill, Ruffalo, Midler, Reiner, JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy, Stenberg, Headland, Ziegler and others are such jerks, that I prefer Ai over those humans and I’d rather watch Ai now.

    It’s the same in music. Instead of Gaga, Swift, Jayz, Beyonce, Green Day, I’d rather listen to Suno Ai music.

    My question to you is, do these LibTards know that they are pushing us into Ai because their products are so crummy?

    Getting back to the topic of G.I. Joe, I was going to post about Cobra Commander from Image Comics. Some are enjoying it.




    I understand the friction against AI, but as always is my argument concerning AI, I view it as a tool…it should not be used as a crutch. A hammer has two uses,…it can create,…or it can destroy…it’s up to the user to choose.


    …but I really do like that song.


    You think Jeremy would consider using this song for his cobracast outro?


      I grew up on GI Joe in the 80’s. I still have all my figures and vehicles. Even some of the backing cards. I have most of the comics up until around issue 80, I think. But ya, coming home from school was always a joy with GI Joe to watch!! I remember when Serpentor came out, that was the shit! I still have my figure with his chariot.

      It’s a pity no one can do GI Joe justice with live action. The two movies were ok, but not exactly great. I did love Sienna Miller as The Baroness though.

      If they did it now days, they would just ruin it with “modern sensibilities”.


      Gotta say, I like the video. It’s a pretty cool revamping of the G.I. Joe theme song !   I also remember the old G.I. Joe tv show with theme show back in the 80’s when I was a kid and the reason why I say this is because I watched some of it and I also say the 80’s animated movie as well. I also have the latest G.I. movies too


      YO JOE!!! Card carrying G.I. Joe fan since the 1980’s!

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