Asking for help

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    Hello everyone, it’s been a while.  I’m making this thread because I could use some help.

    I’m looking to get back into making YouTube videos.  I’m looking to sort off with some simple Vlogs. I figured I’d start off simple. But I could use some help. WHile I’m good at writing when it comes to banners, watermarks, and thumbnails. If anyone out there would be willing to help me I would appreciate it./. Please let me know if you’re interested in the comments section. I’ll send you the E-mail on where to go. Be prepared to show some of your work.

    I’m asking for help because well as I’ve said…I’m not a smart man, so any help I can get on this would help. And yes, to those who specialize in said art forms I will pay. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.


    I hate to suggest this, and a lot of people will look down on it, but you MIGHT consider using an AI generator for things like thumbnails

    Check out this site, it will allow you to make some content for free every day, and after a limit it will charge:

    AI is kind of a hot topic because of the social ramifications of people losing their jobs, but for someone like you just trying to get started and build an audience I don’t think it’s a great Idea to be sinking money into it just yet, you should be focusing on your videos and getting them out there and all that!

    I more than respect if you’re against AI generated art and thumbnails, but the genie is already out of the bottle and a great many VERY succsful youtubers even in this sphere use it all the time.

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