Baby Yoda

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    I am gonna ask a question that I don’t k ow will anyone here would be able to answer me on but from what I can see about Grogu, Yoda and Yaddle….I keep thinking that maybe Grogu is definitely from the Yoda Species like Yoda and Yaddle are but I think that Grogu might be of a different sub species or different category from Yoda and Yaddle.

    If you guys look at Yoda and Yaddle’s eyes…their eyes are like us Humans’ eyes in that their pupils much like ours, are small and there are visible white around the pupil while Grogu’s pupil is like that of a dog or Canine species who’s pupil is huge and so huge that you can’t see any white around the eyes at all.

    I am not a scientist or a biologist but I don’t think logically of naturally that the younger members of the Yoda species could have dog like pupils then as they age their pupils would become like that of a Human…it just doesn’t add up to me from a biological stand point. Us Humans even with our infants their pupils aren’t big and dog like to the point that we only see the pupil with no whites around the eyes then change their pupil size to being smaller and having alot of white around the eyes as they mature. Infant Humans’ pupil size in relation to the whites around their eyes are the same amount or equivalent to the way their eyes look as they are as adults.

    It is just odd to me that Yoda’s species would have pupils that shrink with age……it is like saying a dog when it grows up it turns into a Human like creature and things don’t work like that in science even in Star Wars.

    So I think Grogu is maybe descended from a different evolutionary path from Yoda and Yaddle in their species just for the fact that his pupils are so very very large and dog like. Maybe Grogu compared to Yoda is like a Cro-Magnum Human compared to a Neanderthal? Both Human but different species of Humans.

    I know that in Star Wars that Nemodians;  the green Humanoids from the Trade Federation have a shared ancestry with the Duros which is Cad Bane’s people and they are of the same species but split into two different evolutionary paths of the species. So I think Grogu and Yoda might be a similar situation, just from my observations of the way Yoda looks and the way Grogu looks in the eyes.

    Just a theory I have, cause it would be weird to me to just to assume that Grogu’s pupil size would shrink as he gets older until his eyes went from puppy dog like to Human like.



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