Bias IS NOT racism

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      Bias is not racism.  EVERYONE is biased, typically towards themselves.  That is human nature and it is not born of bigotry.

      If we even entertain the thought that any sort of bias is racism, then EVERYONE ON THE PLANET IS RACIST.

      The left likes to take a tiny nugget of truth and bake it in a huge lie in the hopes you accept the assumption that the whole thing is true.

      Bias is racism is one of those things. Yes bias exists but it is not racism.



        Racism is not even racism anymore. Funny thing about abusing a word and definition to make it fit your wish, is it actually devalues the meaning of it…

        When I hear racism now I chuckle laugh and continue on about my day, it has lost all meaning to me as it is never used in the context of its true meaning. It is now (AGENDA driven and tick the boxes) I had friends over a while back and one commented that every commercial now has a “minority” in it, another friend said YUP even the KLAN has diversity in their commercials now so they cannot be accused of being racist.

        That was Hilarious but makes the point very clear, it is now a JOKE and LAUGHING STOCK of a term because it has been so abused people laugh at it or ignore it now.

        I have bias toward good things, and don’t like crap so when I turn it off, ignore it or refuse to respond to something its because its crap. That is my bias, doesn’t mean im some “Ism” it simply means I don’t like crap.  Part of crap is seeing “boxes ticked” EXAMPLE: Dwarf women have BEARDS and throwing a Black unbearded dwarf woman in LOTR is crap, it violates cannon, and history and lore of the species as a whole as the originated folk-lore predated even the first Priest and Legions going in to Germanic Europe.


          Agree 100%.  I honestly think nothing they do is random or not part of a battleplan.  So I am sure they attack language to attack culture.

          The whole redefining words thing has been happening a lot.

          10 years ago transgender meant you had  gender surgery.  Now if you toss on a wig and say you feel like a woman you are transgender. Clearly that breaks the meaning of the word.

          Another example of this is that interview Matt Walsh did on Dr. Phil with 2 “transgender” people.  One person said they were a woman and Matt Walsh asked that person to define what a woman was.  They said it was an umbrella term and could mean anything you wanted.

          So I firmly believe the insanity is intentional.


          They deliberately will refuse to DEFINE something, because they always want to work in a grey area, where the definition is as fluid as their arguments – not based on science.

          To be permanently be able to use the “race” card, the “victim” card, etc.

          And they also changed the definition of “gay”, vaccine, racism, etc, so it fits their agenda.

          Mostly peaceful = rioters/arson.

          They are doing the same with the word Bias.

          They ARE attacking word, language, culture, religion, etc.

          They WANT to create division.

          They WANT to create hostility.

          They WANT to create a civil war.

          They WANT tyranny/dictatorship.

          They WANT to control people’s movement, freedoms, etc.

          They WANT equity of outcome (Marxism/Communism-which has FAILED everywhere it was implemented) instead of equal opportunity.

          They ARE evil!


            Clearly Legatus,

            I asked a person yesterday on a firearms topic to define “Assault Weapon” Big mouth had been going on for hours until that question was asked. To answer it would destroy the entire narrative as now there would be a clear definition to discuss and compare to.


              I have gotten in tiffs with my teenage child over words.  She claims words mean different things now (with the inference that her generation is so much more advanced SMH) and I try to explain words have meaning and if you change the meanings what’s the purpose of using the word since no one knows who is saying what.

              An example of this is this pronoun garbage.  If you say “they” instead of she/he you intentionally obfuscate if you mean a person or multiple people as well as what their sex is.

              Someone should do a documentary on the “war on words”.

              But the chaos we see IS NOT chaos.  It is an ordered attack on everything Legatus mentioned.  They have to kill things like religion and patriotism to be able to install communism.  And THAT is the entire goal.


              It’s interesting how sexual orientation can also be misinterpreted as homo/transphobia.

              For example, in a Jim Carrey movie called Ace Ventura, the main character makes out with a woman who is later revealed to be a man crossdressing as a woman. The main character’s reaction is he starts gagging and rushes to brush his teeth since he is a straight man and the idea of making out with a guy disgusts him, as it does to probably all straight people since it’s not their sexual orientation. This scene has been criticized of being homophobic because he is gagging after making out with a guy. So basically, according to certain people expressing their disinterest towards something that isn’t their sexual orientation is now homophobic.

              This isn’t exactly what the topic of his thread is about, but it’s close enough. This was more like ”sexual orientation IS NOT homophobia”



                That’s is an excellent point.  The irony of that is I have a gay friend who explained to me how seeing straight people kiss disgusts him/them just the same.  Is he straight-phobic?


                I would say that everyone should have enough compassion to not feel disgusted (at least visibly) of just seeing a couple of a different sexual orientation kissing, like if I gave my girfriend a kiss I wouldn’t like to see a gay person gag and vice versa, if I see a gay couple kiss then I don’t mind ofc, but if you are accidentally or even forced in a situation where you go against your own sexual orientation then I think you are allowed to show your displeasure because you experience it.

                Basically I would call it at least borderline ____phobic, or at least being ignorant, to show disgust towards other sexual orientations as long as it’s not you experiencing it, if it makes sense.


                  I think you are conflating feeling disgust and displaying disgust.  They are not the same.

                  If I see 2 dudes making out, inside I go ew, but outside I say nothing because that is being civil.

                  You can think something is wrong or distasteful without trying to enforce that belief on others.


                    Honestly when it comes to couples, regardless of Sex and making out in Public etc,  I do not care for it. Keep it at home. Ive been married a long time and the most you will see is us holding hands or walking arm in arm. It is just called CLASS.

                    I have told my kids growing up playing kissy-face with their girlfriends to knock that shit off in public and show some class and dignity. There is a time and place for it and that is not in public.


                      I do not care for it. Keep it at home. Ive been married a long time and the most you will see is us holding hands or walking arm in arm. It is just called CLASS.

                      Awww, shy little @Mustangride1 holding hands with his dear wife while out on a stroll 😻

                      Hey, to each their own

                      On the topic of couples making out

                      I personally have no problem seeing couples show a little intimacy regardless of sexual orientation, actually i tend to find it kinda cute seeing a loving couple cuddle and maybe give a little kiss, just maybe don’t go on a full on make-out session, in that case get a room!

                      I personally don’t even have much of a problem kissing someone not of my sexual orientation, sure i’d be uncomfortable kissing another woman, but i wouldn’t go as far as to be disgusted,  i’d be more disgusted if i had to kiss a someone i don’t like as a person regardless of their sex


                        LOL, Shy is never something anyone has ever called me.

                        Im 53 and will still moon ya, and if I still had the speed I did as a younger man i would streek a football game or two still. I am just a little more respectful of things in public, as my very southern grandmother said “You do not do those things in public as Children may be watching” :) Class



                          There is much to be said on how one handles themselves in public or how a person “carries” themselves.


                            LOL, Shy is never something anyone has ever called me.

                            I was joking

                            Im 53 and will still moon ya, and if I still had the speed I did as a younger man i would streek a football game or two still.


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