BLM Pulling People out of Cars

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  • #188565

      BLM is now pulling people out of cars and beating them.  If this happens to you, hit the gas and just run them over!


      Reginals Denny taught us to never stop for rioters in 92.

      Retarded fucks didnt learn the lesson.


      They want to steal/loot stores.

      They want to steal people’s livelihood.

      They want to steal people’s homes.

      Why not want to steal people’s cars as well.

      They are already stealing’s everything else.


      why aren’t they being arrested?

      why only regular people on social media are sharing these daily madness videos, why the media, celebrities, politicians are silent about this?

      say what you say about china, but this kind of shit would never happen in china, it is what it is. And even in europe, japan, brazil…

      This kind of shit usually only happens in africa and poor south american countries… how can the US be like this now, no safety whatsoever… damn, this is madness, for real. :S


      Those people need some kind of protection.


        America by and large is very safe.  I have absolutely no fears for my safety.  Don’t go by what you see on twitter or on the MSM.  America is pretty safe.  Also, you haven’t seen the silent majority fight back yet.  Trust me.  If push came to shove, BLM would be wiped out in America in an hour.

        Now, what is disturbing though is the Democrat politicians backing the chaos and the failure of the Republican politicians to indict any Democrats.  What is the most disturbing thing for me is this.

        Whatever agenda they have for America is so bad that having one man in office has made this nation completely unhinged politically.  Trump truly has done nothing wrong and has done more America than the last 4 Presidents combined.  The fact they are doing this to him is the scary part.  Whatever agenda they have for this nation is not good at all.


        When people fight back the media will try to guilt shame and play the privilege card…

        I’ll take my chances with a jury then the permanently outraged mob.



        Smith n wesson.



        Rock Island.


        <Barf> Glock.


        They have arrested plenty.

        In one such mass arrests, 150 of 172 people were not even living in the state they were rioting in.


        Also, it does not help the simp dem’s prosecutors “decline” to press charges against the rioters/looters.

        But try to protect yourself from the riots, try to protect your property, etc. and you ARE CHARGED.


        That is a very big problem.  Double standard.

        It also sends the message to those rioting/looting that there will be ABSOLUTELY NO CONSEQUENCES TO YOUR RIOTING/LOOTING in a democratic regime-controlled city/state.



          They should all be locked away forever.

          Funny though as that happened in cali, most victims are most likely SJWs or at least dems themselves, you reap what you sow.


          I think it is time we properly say what the initials “b” “l” “m” actually stand for.


          B – brainwashed

          L – leftist

          M – mob

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