Boycott Chick-Fil-A

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  • #167727

    I wonder how long it will be before they get hit by their first anti-segregation lawsuit for that?


    LOL that’s fantastic.  Jeremy, Ryan, Gary, or Az needs to use that in one of their videos!

    Level 100!


    Haha, thanks!

    When I saw him kneel down and start shining his shoes, Good Fellas jumped in my head instantly.

    Thinking to myself.  Go home and get your fuckin shine Box!

    What you didn’t hear?  I ain’t shinin shoes no more.


    That black guy should have serious said, “that is not necessary, please stand up you are embarrassing yourself and me.”


    I had their spicy chicken sandwich today for lunch. I hate what sellouts they’ve become but at this point there isn’t a company or brand left that I respect. I guess I’m just used to disappointment by now.


      That black guy should have serious said, “that is not necessary, please stand up you are embarrassing yourself and me.”

      I wish he had. Someone needs too.


      You know this has happened before right?  The owner of Chick-Fil-A supported some charities that the LGBT community considered hostile. What I found interesting was what they did to protest.  They actually went there and bought food and had a “sit in” in their restaurants.  So, I think that was a better reaction that looting, rioting and harming others in your own neighborhood. Blacks should be treated the way they treat others.  No different.  They need more honey and less lemon.  I wish I knew why black people are so angry at this time when they are the freest they have ever been.  Their anger will eat them from the inside out like an acid and I have a theory that what is behind that anger is fear.  Chick-Fil-A is a private company and they can do what they wish however what they do determines how they will be seen in the public eye.  You cannot appease everyone.  I wonder if they made a statement just to get free publicity.


        You have to make a stand somewhere or you will allow anything to be done to you.   We let too much slide in this nation and that is how we have gotten to this point in the first place.

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