Breaches of voting machine data raise worries for midterms

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    Breaches of voting machine data raise worries for midterms

    Sensitive voting system passwords posted online. Copies of confidential voting software available for download. Ballot-counting machines inspected by people not supposed to have access.

    The list of suspected security breaches at local election offices since the 2020 election keeps growing, with investigations underway in at least three states — Colorado, Georgia and Michigan.

    And these breaches could easily have happen WITH the 2020 elections.

    While much remains unknown about the investigations, one of the most pressing questions is what it all could mean for security of voting machines with the midterm elections less than two months away.

    It tell us, like alot of people have been saying for a long time, these voting machine ARE insecure.

    Election officials already assume hostile foreign governments might have the sensitive data…

    Or domestic agents, as some have been saying happened in the 2020 elections.

    The more immediate concern is the possibility that rogue election workers…  might use their access to election equipment and the knowledge gained through the breaches to launch an attack from within. That could be intended to gain an advantage for their desired candidate or party, or to introduce system problems that would sow further distrust in the election results.

    Just like people have been saying HAPPENED in the 2020 elections.

    There has been no evidence that voting machines have been manipulated…. (in the past)

    When all such evidence was never allowed to go to court.  But that does not mean it was NOT done.

    David Becker, a former U.S. Justice Department attorney who now leads the Center for Election Innovation & Research, notes the irony of those who raise alarms about voting equipment being involved in allegations of breaches of the same systems.

    “The people who have been attacking the integrity of elections are destroying the actual integrity of elections,” he said.

    But, as they have said, the election system HAS BEEN ALREADY compromised, and the repeated calls to investigate and secure the voting system is falling of deaf ears by those who would rather look the other way.

    Yet, they are setting the ground work that if their side loses, the excuses are already in the air.

    That is why all elections must be made secure.  Only absentee ballots by request with valid reasons for not being able to do the proper IN-PERSON voting.  Voting ID is required for ALL ballots at the voting station.  Doing anything less you are compromising the electoral system.


      I don’t think any of this is new.  It goes all the way back to at least Bush/Gore.  Powerful people will do ANYTHING to and I do mean ANYTHING to keep their power.  At the end of the day they rather rule over ashes than not rule at all.

      One might ask how the great countries of the west have come to this.  The answer is political corruption from a number of factions.  The reason that happened is because we the people fell asleep at the wheel.

      Every crazy thing we see, from gender contusion to permitted riots, is a calculated move.

      The good news is we can save it all.  The good folks just have to come together and put a stop to it all.

      But we must stop waiting on a politician to save us.  We HAVE to save ourselves.


      Even I thought something was wrong during the 2020 elections when certain stuff wasn’t adding up. Such as them adding in extra days for the counting of the votes. I don’t remember them ever having done that with anyone else.


        There is so much corruption now days, I just don’t trust anything with voting anymore. The fact that people actually believe there is something wrong with having voter ID or ID requirements to vote is just outlandish and wrong. It just opens it all up to more corruption, but clearly that is what they want. I don’t really think voting matters so much anymore either. The system is broken, or as Megadeth says, The System Has Failed.

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