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Awhile back I had talked about Canada pushing out Bill C10 which was an internet censorship bill that was going to regulate internet speech on the internet like a TV broadcaster and force normal Canadian Youtubers to pay a tax for having a huge following on youtube and other platforms like that…that bill was shot down which is the good news …
… for the bad news….everyone in Canada now has to deal with another satanic internet censorship bill that is even worse than Bill C10 called Bill C36. This bill if passed and made into law would arrest Canadians for saying things on the internet that the government deems as hate speech and this isn’t hate speech as in racist, homophoc or sexist speech either but speech the government hates that challenges their narrative.
So if you criticize the Prime Minister or any of his policies if Bill C36 gets passed it grants him legal to power to arrest any person in Canada who made the post online criticizing him or his policies. And the bill gets worst in that people can accuse their fellow Canadians of a crime they didn’t even commit yet based on the accuser having their feelings hurt by the accused. So basically a pre-crime like in Minority Report where the police arrest someone before they can even think to commit a crime based speculating without any evidence or logic.
And the Canadian Government will protect the identity of the accuser and the person being accuse isn’t allowed to face their accuser and see how is accusing them like in normal courts. If the accuse loses the case against their unknown accuser they are forced to pay $20,000 and could also be put under house arrest with an ankle brace to monitor them.
They will also be forced to give up their ownership of any legal fire arms and be forced to do mandatory drug testing.
Here are a few videos to explain this satanic bill further that must be stop in Canada at all costs:
So people in Canada on this website if you see this watch these video links to know what I am talking about, share this with as many Canadians as you know. Non Americans share these links to and help spread the word of this satanic Bill C36 to any Canadians you know.
This is one of the MANY reasons to vote the man-child out of office, and his libtard party.
Early election polling started today.
Do your duty!
Vote this selfish taking, pandemic snap-election, failed drama teacher OUT!
Much like Biden, Trudeau is not the real issue. He is but a figurehead. Changing out the puppet has no effect (hence why elections seem to make little difference). Follow the strings to the puppet masters and then you have your point of attack.
Going to vote tomorrow!
I voted Friday.
First in line at my polling station for the advanced voting.
Stay tuned, as where I am we return to the polls in a months time to pick our municipal morons.
I voted yesterday, I hope we get Trudeau out!
I find it ironic how, in my mail box today (Mon.13) I got a pamphlet explaining HOW to vote, how to inquire for a mail-in ballot.
Geez, this should have been sent/received a week earlier!
Well, 2 years early, and an estimated cost of $610 MILLION Dollars, the libtards still have a minority government.
(A majority is with 170 seats)
Compared to before the election:
liberals 157 – 158 +1
conservatives 121 – 119 -2
quebec party 32 – 34 +2
ndp 24 – 25 +1
green 3 – 2 -1
independant 1 – 0 +1
ppc 0 – 0 +0
Tis another waste of taxpayer money. This is what the libtards are. A waste.
Hopefully, the ndp an qp will NOT allow these bills promoting censorship from EVER become law.
Well, it looks like the Lib-Tards and the marxists (NDP) can’t wait!
MPs unvaccinated against COVID-19 should ‘stay home’ from Parliament: Liberals, NDP, Bloc
During the election campaign, which saw him re-elected for a third time with a slightly larger Liberal minority, Trudeau made it a rule that all Liberal candidates without a medical exemption must be double-vaccinated against COVID-19. The federal NDP and Bloc Quebecois required the same.
“We believe MPs who choose to set foot on the floor of the House of Commons and committee rooms should be fully vaccinated, unless there is a valid medical exemption. This will be a key part of future discussions on the return of Parliament….”
Discussions? Or a mandate!
MPs will be expected to follow public health guidelines, like keeping their distance, but it’s not yet known whether those elected who may be unvaccinated are expected to undergo daily testing.
And since even those jabbed can get covid and get sick/transmit to others, why don’t they require at least weekly testing? ! ?
The call for MPs to be vaccinated comes as Trudeau works on bringing in a mandate requiring the federal civil service, along with those working in its federally regulated industries, to be fully vaccinated.
The Conservatives … believes in the rights individuals have to exercise their own health choices.
“If Mr. Trudeau believes it was safe enough to have an election during the fourth wave of the pandemic, it’s safe enough for the House of Commons to resume in-person sittings,” said O’Toole’s director of communications Chelsea Tucker.
“Canadians deserve a government that is accountable to its constituents and that’s why under no circumstances will Conservatives support virtual Parliament.”
Or a forced jabbed man-date, as that might/will exclude some MP’s from being able to represent their constituents in the House of Commons.
I see this as the toxic alt-left in Canada tryin to make sure those on the center/right CANNOT serve/get to vote on House of Common’s business.
Putting up roadblocks to prevent the opposition from being able to function.
There is no regulation in the Elections Act that said only those jabbed can run/be an MP.
This retroactive attack by the Lib-Tards is disgraceful.
Will they be allowed to go to their “offices” in the parliament building? And be allowed to virtually join parliament?
Or are they going to be denied access altogether to the building/offices AND/OR being unable to conduct business virtually? (in the building or in their residence in Ottawa?)