Canada PM Trudeau and wife separate

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    Justin Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau announce separation

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, have decided to separate, according to statements posted online by both of them.

    Lucky Sophie, and how much MONEY/Alimony she is gonna reap!

    According to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, Trudeau and Grégoire Trudeau have “signed a legal separation agreement.”

    “They have worked to ensure that all legal and ethical steps with regards to their decision to separate have been taken, and will continue to do so moving forward,” Trudeau’s office said.

    Considering how horrible Trudeau and his cabinet has been with regards to legal and ethical issues…

    Now if only Canada can be so lucky and legally separate from Trudeau and his disastrous policies.


      I find this interesting.  The radical left/WEF does NOTHING without planning it from on high.  This is either someone breaking the internal trust or par for the course.  What happens post this will tell the tale.


      Her bank account was frozen?

      Did I hear that right?

      If she is being messed with, she should do an interview with Roseanne.


      I read a headline in which they claim Trudrea is using his personal life/divorce as a distraction from his horrible policies.

      Oh, pity me!  I am getting divorced.

      I pity all the people your policies have ruined.  All the jobs lost.  All the businesses closed.

      Not you.

      Never you.

      You deserve more than just getting divorced from your wife.

      We need you to separate from the role of PM and from Canada, as just a start.

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