Creating A New RPG Tabletop Game

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    I’m creating a new fantasy/rpg tabletop game. You can watch the YouTube video here:

    The rulebook is already done and now I’m working on the board layout and producing the miniatures that will represent characters on the board. The game will ship with neoprene map(s) for the board. The play style resembles the board game BattleTech. It’s a fantasy/rpg game where you can design your own characters, equip weapons, spells, level up, and most importantly have fun; which is what all gaming is supposed to be about :)



      I don’t care who you vote for.

      I don’t care who you think is hot.

      I don’t even care if you like keesh.

      But, please help bring back fun and creativity!  :)

      Keep updating us if this is something you are serious about.  I love new and unique things.


      Thanks! Yes, I am serious about this. I’m currently working on getting board miniatures for character types made/3d printed. As I posted above I already have the rules down, its 35 pages. That covers character creation, how to resolve battle rolls with magic, hand to hand weapons like swords daggers, and ranged weapons, bonuses for flanking attacks, how vampires work in the game, … everything. But I’ll most likely be making some minor adjustments to the rule book before the game starts to ship. I’m also working on a rough draft “Monster” Book for the game. That book details the monsters in the fantasy world and will instruct players on how to design their own monsters. Here’s a rough draft of the Black Spider from the Monster book I’m currently working on.

      The following image and text is intellectual property all rights reserved :)





      I was going with some neoprene rubber boards but today I talked with someone who offered to help me create a modular board design. So right now I’m pivoting the board design to have laser cut wood hexes with engraved terrain artwork on them. That means, if I go this route, the game box will ship with individual wood hex board pieces which players can place how they want to create a game board with the terrain they want. Going to give the individual some artwork/designs for the board and see how it turns out. Exciting!


      I had a page on Patreon about Wizard Bane but Patreon and I had a disagreement.

      I’m currently setting up a new website for information regarding Wizard Bane and will no longer be using Patreon.

      Other news regarding my project the person who was going to help me create the board wants it to be in a different design than what I want. So I won’t be going with laser cut wood pieces for the board and am moving back to neoprene maps.


      Yes, I am still working on this. :)


      So close! It’s happening! Some play testing was done and alterations were made to the game rules. This weekend and early next week more play testing will be done with a larger group. Below is an image of the top box art at an angle. It shows the name of the game and the crests of the major houses in the game. I paid an artist who did the crest images. I’ve found a company that is willing to print/make everything for the game :)

      [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="390"]WizardBaneboxArt_angle © AMARIAH DESIGN 2024[/caption]

      AMARIAH DESIGN  is my graphic design company. The website is down at the moment because I’m doing stuff, very secret very important stuff. And when it comes back up the world will be amazed and all will bow before me…. not really.  It will be back up soon. I have so much going on right now. I’m also trying to release a game on Steam in a few weeks.

      Anyway… back to the box art. The box art image is between a 4K and 6K screen resolution. I sent it to the manufacturer and they told me it’s too small to print on the retail box, which is between letter and legal paper measurements… Wow! So now I have to make the image take up more pixels.

      I want my game to come with a neoprene mat and I’m trying to make that work out but it just might be too expensive to start out with a neoprene mat in the size I want. I’m trying to fund this entire thing myself without using crowd funding. Because I’m a Sith lord, DarthHawk, and I like pain apparently. (lol)

      Currently the game is looking like it may retail for about $60 if it comes with a decent sized neoprene map, which is not as big as I want. That price factors in the rule book being between 40 to 50 pages (some in black and white and some in color), and other items in the box. So I may have to change my plans for a neoprene map. I want a larger map. I did look at a modular map design, players could use map pieces to create their own layouts with different terrain types. The manufacturer could do it but it would be super crazy expensive. The game isn’t going to come with paper maps though. We live in the 21st century. Commercial tabletop games shouldn’t be shipping with game boards made out of paper. That’s silly.

      Maybe I should act like a sith lord and launch a hostile taker over of the board game manufacturing facility and then dictate terms….. Don’t tell them I said that… please ;)

      The project is moving forward and I hope soon it will be in the production phase. After that comes the combat phase where I have to do battle with established IPs.

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