Current amount of people unemployed is 230% higher than stated

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events Current amount of people unemployed is 230% higher than stated

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      The current unemployment number is officially stated at about 7 million people.

      The number of illegal aliens ESTIMATED in the country right now is 20 million.

      Since none of those folks are legally employed that means unemployment numbers are nearly 30 million.  Over 200% higher than stated.


      • This topic was modified 11 months ago by Vknid.

      It’s actually higher. That chart (and most like it I have ever seen” defines “unemployed” as “unemployed and looking for work.”  That number, for obvious reasons, is smaller than the total number of people “unemployed period.”  Lots of people are unemployed and give up looking: living on benefits, welfare, couch surfing, deciding to move back with parents, being homeless, etc.    In a down economy lots of people leave off looking entirely and stop being counted in the number as time goes on. It also discounts “under-employed” people.  People who, say, have a University degree  or trade who used to have prospects, but are now working minimum wage jobs that barely keep groceries in the fridge.  They are definitely “employed,” but I doubt if they would say they were employed in the same way they were when the economy didn’t suck.  An ex-lawyer putting on tight leggings to get tips tending bar might keep the lights on, but I doubt she’d feel the economy was giving her much, even as she counts as employed.


      An article titled “U.S. Economy added 303,000 jobs in March” showed up in my news feed this week. Of course, they provided no details. For example what kind of jobs were these – entry level positions or moderate to high paying ones that could give workers a realistic shot at living comfortably?

      Statistics can be manipulated so easily I hardly trust Government/Business sources anymore.



        An article titled “U.S. Economy added 303,000 jobs in March” showed up

        I remember during some of the Obama years post the financial stuff there were lots of “new” jobs.  When you axe a fulltime job and create 2-3 part time ones, I have a feeling it boosts that particular stat.

        It’s actually higher.

        Of course it is.  My point was that even if you accept their numbers it’s over 200% higher.

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