CW is woke trash

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television CW is woke trash

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    Hey Andrew, thank you for your reply. I agree with you that the CW’s writing is trash. I also agree with you that the CW has turned their DC properties into their own fanfictions because they did not stick to the cannon of DC comics. Originally, I thought the shows were good to okay because they were the only superhero shows that I watched for a while. However, after watching Netflix’s Daredevil, I was done with the CW and wanted well written shows like Daredevil. What superhero shows/comics would you recommend to DC fans?


    Yes, I think you hit the nail on the head there. Being a big comic book book fan I really wanted to like these shows. How glorious to have all these heroes on screen. I think the reason I stuck around with the Supergirl show for so long is that Supergirl herself did look good. The costume was great and the only thing missing was the yellow in the symbol.


      It used to have some good shows back in the day. Supernatural and Veronica Mars were pretty good.


      Hi DisneySucksBalls, yeah the CW shows were good when Supernatural was not woke and Smallville was on the air. Unfortunately, the CW is only for a select group of people. Namely, SJWs that like soap operas and relationship drama about will they or wouldn’t they. Luckily, I got Daredevil Season 1 and Season 2 to keep the bad superhero shows of the CW away.


      When a network cares more about an agenda than good storytelling and memorable characters, but if you give examples people say you are an “ist” or “phobe”.

      When was the last WOKE slanted show on CW? Hmm? “crickets” I have concerns about networks pushing agenda’s, so I am the bad guy?

      I dumped watching the majority of CW shows this season. I only watch Flash and The 100 now. I just can’t take it anymore.

      I only watched one episode of Batwaaaman and that was it for me.

      I am utterly fed up with ONE narrative running our entertainment. It’s NOT diverse, it’s NOT inclusive, and it’s NOT tolerant!

      Where is the show with an introvert goth kid main character? A metalhead? The depressed obese person who has diabetes? The sitcom comedy show about a family who is right wing and supports Trump? I thought they wanted to be diverse and inclusive? You do realize they get discriminated against and get hate in society right? Right? As a goth/metahead maybe I would like “representation” in entertainment?

      Ohh, but only shows with alphabet and non-white characters are more important…..THAT is inclusive and diverse.


        Ya I agree. I stopped watching Supernatural after season 5.


        Personally I love the first 3 seasons of Arrow. I hate S4. I like some of S5, s6, S7, and S8 when it is not focusing on Olicity… I don’t think Arrow ever became woke garbage though. I loved the first 3 seasons of The Flash almost as much as Arrow. S4 was when the show started becoming trash.. it wasn’t for woke reasons in my opinion.. S5 is my least favorite season it was almost unwatchable and made me angry ever week. S6 was a slight improvement but not by much. The only enjoyable parts of S5 and S6 for me was Ralph but now he is cancelled so I guess the show will suck even more in S7. Supergirl, Legends, and Batwoman are woke garbage.. I somehow watched 3 season of Legends and 2 seasons of Supergirl. I basically just laughed at them the entire time because they were so bad.


        Thank you for your reply.


        Hi Darth Vengeant, you are spot on. These networks and their television shows do not care about well written stories or characters that are developed in arcs. Instead, it is all about the narrative and what message we can send to the next generation. In other words, divide and conquer is the name of the game for mainstream television entertainment. Another thing that agree with you is the fact that if we criticize the shows and ask them to change. They won’t. They will just call us: “ist”, “ism”, and “phobe” and in an attempt to play the victim these days. I am glad that you dropped most of the CW, but I would not be surprise if the Flash and the 100 get more woke next season and you will have to drop the channel completely. Heck, I could not get through half an episode of Batwoman, I just got bored. However, I appreciate your insights into the discussion.


        Hello Jason685, thank you for your reply. I am glad that you have a different opinion from mine about the CW. With that being said, in my personal opinion, the CW is woke trash now. I enjoyed Arrow on the CW last year but the other shows like the Flash, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, and Batwoman are trash to me currently. Here is what I have to say about each show and why I quit watching them.

        After they killed off Rip Hunter and Firestorm, then I was done with DC’s Legends of Tomorrow because it became a time travelling parody of its former self after Season 3. Just like Roas with Riverdale, I watched the Flash for five seasons, but Nora West-Allen killed the Flash for me along with her mother, Iris West-Allen. I stopped watching Supergirl midway through Season 2 because of woke SJWs messaging. I watched all eight seasons of Arrow because of Stephen Amell as the Green Arrow. Hopefully, we all can find better live-action shows outside of the CW.

        In other words, you can continue to enjoy the CW. Nevertheless, I am tried of wasting my time with the channel due to the fact that the Flash is not the Flash anymore. It is the Iris and friends show with “the Flash” in name only. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow was good for two seasons but Firestorm and Rip Hunter kept it grounded and were gone by season 3. Supergirl and Batwoman were always woke trash but I thought to give them both a chance…and it failed for me miserably. I appreciate your contribution to this discussion though.


        The first few seasons of the Flash were good, but like almost everything else it has become contaminated with SJW nonsense. Perhaps it was creeping in for a while but there was one episode where the whole thing was about #feminism. I mean throughout the episode Iris and her girlfriends were literally saying “hashtag feminism” every time they did (or were about to do) something. It was all downhill from there.

        All the male characters have been marginalized.

        And with the firing of Hartley Sawyer I’m done. They can keep their show and pander to the SJWs who don’t even support them.




        CW Network is a cancer


        Hello ArmyGuyDan, thank you for your reply. Yes, the CW is cancer. Unfortunately, there is no cure once a television channel goes down the social justice warrior rabbit hole.


        Hello Maverick, thank you for your reply. You are absolutely right. I forgot about that episode of the Flash. It was the fifth episode of season 4 and I hated every minute of that episode. It was not because of the female characters. Rather, it was of the messaging in the episode that had nothing to do with the Flash, Barry Allen, or the Thinker. It was just a bachelorette party for Barry and Iris before their wedding during the midseason of season 4. However, it should have lasted only five minutes not a whole forty-five minute episode. Anyways, I am glad that I gave up on the Flash and I will never look back on that decision.


        The Flash season 1 was a strong start. I struggled with the show in the next couple of seasons, but the final straw for me was season 4 episode 5, previously mentioned by @Maverick. It was an episode called “Girls Night Out” and it is a grueling, tedious exhibition of vapid feminist ideology. During his bachelor party Barry Allen gets STUPID drunk, to the point where he is literally frothing at the mouth and babbling incoherently. Suddenly chaos ensues, and with the titular male character out of the way it’s up to Iris and her vagina-empowered cohorts to save the day. Worst hour of television I’ve ever witnessed.


        Supergirl might be the bigger disappointment imo because I think Melissa Benoist had true potential as the character. She’s very pretty and has a kind, approachable demeanor, just like Kara Zor-el should be portrayed. I’m a big fan of the Superman mythology and Kryptonian lore, but this show just can’t get past it’s political, racial and sexual agendas. The worst I saw from this series was season 3 episode 21 “Not Kansas”, 45 minutes of anti-gun propaganda where it is basically declared that the DEO, an organization which defends the Earth from all sorts of evil alien entities, will NO LONGER BE USING GUNS. Then the episode ends and I guess we were supposed to applaud or something. Funny thing is the events of this episode were never mentioned again and they’ve been using guns ever since. Utter trash.


        And don’t even get me started on Supernatural…

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