Democrat Arrested and Indicted on 82 Counts of Voter Fraud

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    Democrat Arrested and Indicted on 82 Counts of Voter Fraud

    In a startling development, Democrat county supervisor Trey Adkins of Virginia was arrested and indicted on 82 felony charges involving voter fraud. He was serving as the Knox District Supervisor for Buchanan County.

    What exactly did he do?

    Prosecutors say he allegedly showed up at the homes of voters with absentee ballot applications and ballots to ensure he would have their vote.

    How often was this done?

    The grand jury found cause to believe “Adkins has relied on an illegal absentee vote harvesting scheme since he was first elected to public office in 2011, repeating the process in his 2015 and 2019 bids for re-election.”

    Why does this matter?

    The report continued, “Investigations have shown that the scheme included hundreds of absentee ballots per election cycle and Adkins… showing up at the homes of voters himself with absentee applications and ballots to ensure he would have their vote.”

    As a small community, the margin of victory is also small (within a couple hundred) so illegal activity can have a meaningful impact on elections.

    And how many “absentee ballots” in other elections (ie. federal/POTUS) were filled out, either by direct in-person coercion, or by “they would have voted this way anyway, so will fill it out for them, ballot harvesting schemes all over the nation.

    So what exactly was he charged with?

    A grand jury indicted Adkins on 82 felony charges, including 34 counts of false statement and election fraud, 11 counts of absentee voting procedure violations, 11 counts of forgery of a public record, 3 counts of conspiracy to make a false statement and election fraud, and more.

    In a small community, that is ALOT of criminal activities to get elected/re-elected.

    Adkins responded, “It went on 10 years ago at one of my prior elections, my first election that I won, uh, you know, voters that voted absentee got harassed and asked various questions and had a target on their back.”

    And you targeted them.  You had harassed them.  You committed fraud, etc.

    Modern DEMons have just taken it to the next level.


      I think the labels are useless at this point.  In fact they are part of the problem.  Democrats ARE NOT the only issue.  Clearly both parties in the USA are corrupt and working together to do as they please while we all suffer. They play like they are against each other for plausible deniability but they are one in the same.  I think this is lost on many political pundits.  I heard Tim Poole talking about it this morning that the Democrats get their way because the Republicans are cowards and spinless.  NO!  THEY BOTH GET THEIR WAY because they work together to hose us over why they do for themselves.  PERIOD. END OF STORY.

      They love to keep us in our tribes.  Black. white, straight, gay, trans, and so on.  We are all Americans.  There are only 2 factions in this country that matter.  The political elite and everyone else.  We currently have the power and can do as we please if we can all stop trying to out pathetic each other.  If we work together We The People are unstoppable.  But apparently we prefer to waste our freedom by hating each other and we will end up hating each other into shackles.

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