Democrats and COVID

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  • #183090

      It is time to start facing a very stark reality:

      –Nancy Pelosi telling people to go to Chinatown.

      –DeBlasio telling the most populous city in America to go out and go to the movies.

      –Democrats sticking infected in with the elderly at nursing homes.

      –When it was lessening, it was propagated more by riots over fake claims of racism.

      –Then Democrats openly told people to go out and “march”.

      The reality is the Democrats aided and abetted this bio-weapon created by China and furthermore, the Democrats may have funded it when Obama and Biden gave $3.7 million to a lab in Wuhan to study bats and coronavirus. 

      It isn’t going to end either until after the election or until government people stop getting their salaries.  Cut off the pay to government workers and you see how fast COVID goes away.


      You gotta love it how that so called “doctor” Fauci would not condemn mass protests/people yelling in close quarters with no masks is OK, but people wanting to gather for a funeral is BANNED for health reasons.

      Pharmacists and big pharma and leftist media demonize the doctors and scientists for wanting to use a drug that has been proven useful because the orange man said something positive about this drug.  So that means no one can use it, even if lives would have been saved.  Ideology is more important that truth and facts.


      Big Pharma wants R&D money to make an expensive drug when a cheaper one is already available.  Hypocrites!


      He basically did, but not explicitly because it’s a loaded question that would lead to an unnecessary diversion from those that would claim he’s racist for doing so. Home skillet ain’t got time for that shit especially when he’s stuck cleaning up all the misinformation Trump tosses out as fact.


      Information he tosses out from his “expert” consultation from Fauci. During the hearing Fauci said he’s been involved in every major discussion


      Just because the man’s involved doesn’t prevent Trump from running his mouth about nonsense he’s advised him against.


      But Orange Bad….the man on tv say so…

      Oh wait nevermind…IMG_20200408_091656

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