Democrats Are Infected By a Virus, but it’s not COVID—It’s Fear

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    Democrats Are Infected By a Virus, but it’s not COVID—It’s Fear

    U.S. coronavirus cases and deaths are rapidly fading. The majority of American adults have now been vaccinated against COVID-19. Yet despite all this cause for optimism, another malady continues to plague too many Americans: unjustified fear and hysteria.

    But that is how all dictators, nazis and communists hold power… with fear and hysteria and intimidation.

    Only 29 percent of Democrats said healthy people should try to resume normal life. A whopping 71 percent still believe that Americans ought to stay home out of fear of COVID-19.

    Why try, with BIG GOVERNMENT will take care of you?

    This polling reveals that a significant subset of Americans continues to hold back from normal life due to a hysterical degree of fear that, at this stage in the pandemic, has little basis in reality.


    That so many Democrats report experiencing objectively unjustifiable levels of fear and paranoia suggests they’ve been taken in by fearmongering and alarmism—of which we’ve certainly had no shortage. A study by researchers from Dartmouth and Brown found that U.S. media coverage had a disproportionately negative skew relative to the actual state of the COVID-19 pandemic…

    Fear sells.

    Happy stories do not.

    “The negativity of the U.S. major media is notable even in areas with positive scientific developments including school re-openings and vaccine trials,” the study concluded. “Stories of increasing COVID-19 cases outnumber stories of decreasing cases by a factor of 5.5 even during periods when new cases are declining.”

    Because telling those stories does not fit the narrative/agenda of the legacy media.

    And it’s widely documented that Democrats are more likely to consume and place trust in traditional mainstream media outlets, which could be one reason they’ve fallen prey to disproportionate alarmism.

    Of course.  Listening to the propaganda long enough and you will believe it.

    …good decision making requires a rational weighing of costs and benefits. Irrational fear makes this impossible. In his hit work Dune, acclaimed sci-fi author Frank Herbert wrote that “fear is the mind killer.” He dubbed fear “the little death that brings total obliteration.” What he meant was that fear clouds our ability to make rational decisions, which, if unchecked, ultimately leads to our downfall.

    And we are seeing that happening in real time.

    Americans remain plagued by the mental virus that is hysterical fear. But only by overcoming our fear can we reassert ourselves as rational actors and reclaim our agency.

    Too many Americans, particularly Democrats, still need to make this transformation. Only then can they finally move on from the pandemic by reclaiming their connection to reality.

    But too many of them have cognitive dissonance, especially when it comes to reality, IMO.


    The DNC has always ruled by fear. Just look at how they treat the blacks.


    And they are also a threat to DEMOCRACY!

    Democrats’ isolation puts democracy in danger

    A recent advice piece in the New York Times Magazine presented a situation in which a liberal, progressive individual was having trouble socializing with a conservative person whose “personal political views [he found] so abhorrent.” In response to this liberal’s question, the New York Times discussed the ethics and practicality of spending time and developing friendships with those who hold divergent political and ideological views.

    And I am sure they found your alt-left views abhorrent as well.

    The piece rightly articulated the idea that civil society benefits when different ideas are shared among diverse groups, leading to debate and compromise. But the New York Times, along with many other outlets, focuses heavily on stories of liberals rejecting conservative views — habitually failing to present a true picture of political conversation in America and presenting a strong liberal bias.

    And we are seeing that just just on the citizen level, but every much on the political level, be it municipal, state, and federal levels.

    While 43% of Republicans say some of their friends are Democrats, just 23% of Democrats say that some of their friends are Republicans

    They are very biased, them dems.

    The fact that Democrats are almost three times as likely as Republicans to have no friends in the opposing political party is dangerous for democracy. Avoiding the other side of the argument leads to the creation of echo chambers, weak thinking, and the feeling that there is something illegitimate about people with differing opinions. When members of one major political party turn inward and reject discussing a diversity of ideas, radicalization happens, and the capacity to work with and create policy to benefit as many people as possible diminishes significantly. Yet, Democrats are doing just that.


    That is the dems all over the place.

    Just look at the brat pack in congress.  What a group of radicalized people.

    Having diverse networks is crucial for democracy, as is empathy and compassion for the views, stories, and lives of others. These factors make civil society thrive, but Democrats are not making enough of an effort here. Democrats, for all of their talk about inclusiveness, equity, and diversity, are unsurprisingly having trouble recruiting and retaining many groups in the nation. This dilemma arose because Democrats are talking to themselves too often and are failing to listen and engage genuinely with those outside their immediate networks, which diminishes our nation and its progress.

    And you wonder why civil unrest is on the rise.

    And you have to wonder why lawlessness is on the rise.

    Only tyrants and dictatorships do NOT want open discussions.

    They cannot see that there is a better way of doing things because they have closed the minds to listening to other points of view.

    They have to SHARE!  Compromise!  And do what is in the best interest of the WHOLE, not just the few/one side.



    The Democrats are lizard people in disguise….why else would they not care about people? Because they are cold bloodied and lack Humanity

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