Did you read 1984? Maybe Lord of the Rings?

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      Well then.  Clearly you are a white supremacist and far-right extremist.

      See where this is all going?  Wrong think = far-right extremist.

      How long before the Bible is on the list?

      UK’s counterterrorism program says interest in great literature is a sign of far-right extremism

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Vknid.

      They’re trying to do it with a lot of classic books down here in the UK. You like Jane Austen? You can’t like her books anymore because they feature “colonisation”. Most likely they’re whining about her stuff because there’s no LGBT+ representation in them🙄. They’re also trying to label Jane as queer too but she was very much like me; not interested in romantic relationships and was a stay at home person and wasn’t a social butterfly. Hence why she took to writing.


        The whole LGBT thing is just a means to an end which is control.  It does not matter what philosophy is held as the state sponsored way to think so long as there is one. The whole idea is you believe in X and do what the state says or to the gulag you go.  Of course the rest of the woke ideology is part of that as well.  The people peddling that mental slop don’t believe it only the foot soldiers do.

        Of course colonization is part of the same although that is one of the sillier things since people have been conquering one another since the beginning of time.


        Nazis/Communist book burning without the smoke.

        So many of the warnings from 1984 have come true.

        And the push to remove the Bible is already well underway.  If the Bible is the number 1 selling book of all time, when was the last time you saw one in your local library or bookstore?  Maybe a used bookstore or a religious bookstore only.

        The National Anthem is being removed from classrooms (as is the Pledge of Allegiance in the US)  and a push to remove them from sporting events is also well underway.

        I heard they are currently rewriting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to remove words “fat”, crazy”, etc.

        These extremely toxic far alt-left lunatics will not stop under ALL culture, all morals, all principals, all responsibilities, etc are removed and destroyed.


        But having inappropriate books for preteens removed is CENSORSHIP? ! ?



        They tried to do this with the Harry Potter books a few years back and got a massive backlash from real fans my age. Good job I’ve still got my original copies even if they’re a bit worn out! I’m also glad I was forced to read Road Dahl’s books as a kid. Was never into his works but I can respect them enough to be angry at what they’re trying to do atm.



        In a way, I wonder if this is a bit of outrage marketing, or it’s just a flex to tell the public they are going to make changes to the culture whether you like it or not. It has already been done with statues and names of schools. Again, this is not democracy. Nobody voted for this. Nobody asked for it.

        It kind of flies in the face of what writing should even be about. Also, the examples given are very milquetoast and tame. They aren’t even targeting particularly edgy writers. I usually think of like a Charles Bukowski or Jim Goad, neither of which I was ever into, as examples of provocative writers.

        Speaking of provocation, the public is subjected to things the don’t want to see, hear or read, for example, Sam Smith and others, so while the people are forced to see smut, the censors go after normal staples of lore and culture.

        Do they even teach the classics anymore? In terms of classic literature? Larouche used to say that if one is not classical educated, one is not educated at all. That stuck with me because I don’t think I got one. Never spoke a word of Latin in my entire life.


        They want a population full of Boxers.




          “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”
          — Maximilien Robespierre


          I’ve never heard such stupidity in my life. Then again, it’s 2023😂🙄…


            Because at this point unless you adhere to the most radical of radical ideals you are far right and every ist and phobe.  They are calling life long liberal leftists far right now because they won’t go with their radical ideals.

            It is an “othering”.  You either are 100% in lock step or you are an “other” and you deserve all manners of bad things to happen to you.




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