Dirty NBA Players and Race Relations

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      This is why no one cares about BLM.  A game ago a black player on the Clippers called Luka Doncic a racial slur and nothing happened to the black player.  Then in tonight’s game this happened.  (Keep in mind Luka has a severely injured ankle.)






      And now get this:

      NBA players to boycott playoffs

      They are frustrated criminals are being killed for disobeying lawful orders by law enforcement officers and grabbing for something in their vehicle (from someone wanted on a warrant, with a history of gun violence.)

      All those players need to be put back out onto the same streets this criminals walk.


      keep in mind, this is the same player that said this earlier this year to another player (Jay Crowder):

      “He plays the game a different way,” Morris told reporters. “He’s got a lot of female tendencies on the court, flopping and throwing his head back the entire game. It’s a man’s game, and you just get tired of it.
      “When you step back and shoot a three … and, like, rub it in … he’s unprofessional. He’s soft. His game is soft. He’s very womanlike.”

      Imagine if a white player says this or tries to injury a black player… nba would ban him for life i bet lol But Marcus Morris is fine… he is black… only white people are bad.


      And where Lebron at? Did he hear about B. Taylor investigation developments? It seems that she (as most of the “victims”) wasn’t so innocent after all…


        I never knew that.  Interesting information.  Yes, the double standards in America are quite evident.  Personally, I think race relations are now worse than before the Civil Rights Era due to what the Democrats are doing.  The MSM will never say this though.

        This is why Trump will win in a landslide.  However, if he doesn’t win, it will be due to massive voter fraud.  Frankly, that is what concerns me.  I have not seen one Biden poster, bumper sticker, flyer, or rally where I live.  There is absolutely no support for him.  But the entire MSM has him constantly ahead.

        Frankly, I think they are setting the narrative that he is ahead so when they do steal the election it will seem legitimate.


          I work in the legal system.  I promise you anyone can be made a criminal in America.  Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom.  I am not one of those people that like to call other people criminals because frankly, give me a warrant to search a person’s home or cellphone and I can make anyone a criminal within a week.

          And they will plead guilty too.  Guilt or innocence will have absolutely nothing to do with it.  Corrupt courts killed Jesus Christ.  Always remember this and those courts have not gotten better over time I assure you.  Just pray you never find yourself in a courtroom or your children or anyone you hold dear because frankly, more than likely he or she will be completely railroaded into a guilty plea.


          The fake mainstream media tried the same back in 2016.

          Ms.Cunt is SOOOoooo far ahead in the poles, Republicans need not bother voting.

          the nazi-crats know they can’t win in a fair, open election.


          Well said. I don’t care what people might have done in the past – it’s their present actions that matter – and if they are presently disobeying police orders then they need to deal with the consequences of their present actions.


          They are encouraging black people to be awful because they are convinced that blacks are so dumb that they are incapable of following the same rules and living by the same standards as everyone else. How is that not racist of the NBA? I can understand why no black player is speaking out against the NBA – they all want to keep their best jobs in the world or they would have to go work at a Burger King.


          They are not qualified to work in the fast food industry.

          It means team work (not individualism).

          It means being customer focus.

          It means you have to serve others.


          I am sure this list can go on and on.

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