Do you believe in parallel universes?

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    A parallel universe another reality that is either exactly like ours with a few subtle differences here and there or are completely different. A parallel universe could be a timeline like ours where something in history went differently like the Roman Empire never fell, the Europeans never left Europe to explore and expand into other parts of the world but instead Asians took their place in history as explorers, the dinosaurs never went extinct and just about anything in history you can think of went differently.

    In my opinion it is illogical and unfair for history to only go in one direction and one path. So for the universe to be fair there has to be many many universes out there like ours where all possibilities in history could happen.

    So my question is do you believe in a parallel universe? What would you do if you went to a parallel universe, and what would you do if you meet yourself from a parallel universe?


      I say no.

      Whether you believe in God or the universe as some natural construct, everything that exists seems to be for a reason and or purpose. I see no purpose or reason for parallel universes.

      “God does not play dice with the universe.”

      ― Albert Einstein


      I think we might have had a similar discussion in another thread.

      But no, I do not think there are alternate/parallel universes, or multi-verses.


      The whole idea of a Mandela Effect, or Matrix scenarios, or feelings of anachronisms.


      I believe there is only ONE universe, with only ONE timeline.

      Sci-Fi is full of stories about “what if…” but they are just stories, IMO.


      The closest would be a natural and supernatural world.

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