Earth’s A Shithole 💩

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  • #182696

      This is the third poop theamed game i’ve seen in a toy shop within a year 💩


      Don’t know how i don’t have photos of the other 2 💩💩

      doggy poo

      acchiappa la cacca

      If i was born today, shit being my first swear word would be normal 🤣

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by DigiCat.

      I think it is nice that South Park has gone main stream.

      Mr hankey






      I was just thinking of the spoof Mr Hanky toy that was in one of the Christmas episodes myself.


        This is from a youtube channel made specificly for kids, this is what kids are watching nowadays 💩

        captain marvel & fury - earth's a shithole


        well at least they washed their hands???

        No I got nothin

        I got nothin


        Are you sure?

        They speak of shit.

        Want to play with shit.

        Wants to peddle shit.

        They are shit.

        As sure, why would they want to wipe the shit off their hands?

        Heck, they might eat shit as part of their regular diet!


          I’m laughing 😹 but i’m confused as to who “they” is :3 ???


          Anyone who thinks playing with shit is ok/normal.

          Anyone who thinks others would like to play with shit is ok/normal.

          They are as sick as shit.

          They as full of shit.


            I have to confess… this is on my christmas wishlist 🤣💩🤣💩



            ‘they’ are the lego men in the vid you posted


            Hey don’t tell anyone.

            So long as they ask who “they” are, they are obviously not one of them.  :P


              Who wants to clean up cat poop for christmas? 😸💩


              Kitty litter not included


              Let me guess, all these things were produced from the minds of people who live in the outdoor toilet know as San Francisco.

              (I still can’t believe they had to make an app for a poop patrol.)

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