Editing and Deleting posts

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  • #225988

    Editing and Deleting posts




    Currently, one can only EDIT posts while they are still logged-in.

    Once one logs out, the original post gets archived and is non-editable.

    They had not yet made a delete option available, be it during the “editing” process, nor after once one has logged out/logged back in.


    Would be nice for the EDIT ability for sure.


      I like to be able to go back and correct typos and links if needed. I am not a fan of being permanently locked out of my posts. I get it, your trying to fight bots.

      There will always be bots. There will always be better bots. The way to beat bots is with moderators. I hate that, but it is what it is.


        Bots need killing.
        Editing would be nice so you can also add to a post.
        I would love to delete one of my Silver Dollar City post and keep the other and just add to it as more info comes up via the edit of the main (1st post)
        Mods are needed to keep the bots out, but not really for the members, this site pretty much takes care of itself for now.


          @Mustangride1 The people who MAKE the bots need punishment… Along with the people who make robo calls. Fucking GRRR man.


            You should be able to edit a post an hour after making the initial post.


            The question was being able to EDIT posts after logging out / logging back in… even a day or more later.

            As it is now, once one logs out, the option to edit one’s own post/reply is no longer available.


              @Legatus_Legionis I can edit after logging out… But after the set time limit it becomes locked.

              Case in point, I just did.

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