Elon Musk, now on the Twitter board

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events Elon Musk, now on the Twitter board

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      From some other tidbits I gathered ,which amount to rumor at this point, he might have lost the financial backing he had to pull off the purchase.  In that vein the sale will likely fall through.  But I think the delay is exactly for the reason you mentioned.


      Hail Hydra! Why Musk Will NOT Free Twitter Even If He Owns It
      Who REALLY owns Twitter?

      The David Knight Show


      Elon Musk finalizes deal to buy Twitter, starts firing top execs

      Elon Musk became Twitter’s new owner on Thursday, firing top executives he had accused of misleading him and providing little clarity over how he plans to achieve the lofty ambitions he has outlined for the influential social media platform.

      So we can say Musk IS now on the board.

      Musk terminated Twitter Chief Executive Parag Agrawal, Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal and legal affairs and policy chief Vijaya Gadde, according to people familiar with the matter. He had accused them of misleading him and Twitter investors over the number of fake accounts on the social media platform.

      Agrawal and Segal were in Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters when the deal closed and were escorted out, the sources said.

      Na na na na, hey hey hey, good BYE!

      (Musk) changed his description in his Twitter profile to “Chief Twit.”

      And a sense of humour too.





          Well, it makes sense to fire the top folks first post purchase.  That is not at all surprising.  His entire tact is to take Twitter in a different direction.  This situation has a lot of potential.  He can help society by making making Twitter even keel and to be honest I think he can make the company actually very profitable if he plays it right.

          Now with that said the radical left and the elites will be very upset over losing their best propaganda weapon.  I suspect the FEC, FCC and possibly the DOJ will be investigating Musk.


          The meltdowns over the next couple of days are going to be fun to watch😏😂!


          I felt a great disturbance in the force…


            Cheers to Free Speech!

            (TimCast IRL last night drinking a $4500 bottle of booze to salute Elon’s takeover) (time bookmarked to the moment)

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Vknid.

            Now with that said the radical left and the elites will be very upset over losing their best propaganda weapon.  I suspect the FEC, FCC and possibly the DOJ will be investigating Musk.

            I heard they will be going after Musk in the same “witch hunt/antagonizing” fashion that they have been with Trump.

            Politicalizing the justice system YET AGAIN.




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