Fan Theories and Movie Connections

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    This post isn’t intended to mock or debate the likelihood of certain fan theories and movie connections, but to share and just enjoy them (or laugh because they are truly funny). So let us share and enjoy some of your favorite or your own personal fan theories.

    Here is one that I thought of today.

    What if Jeff Bridge’s character The Dude from The Big Lebowski is actually Jeff Bridge’s character Flynn from Tron? After the events of Tron, he suffers from PTSD, has a nervous breakdown and ends up leaving the company. He changes his name to The Dude and takes up recreational drug use and bowling to cope with what happened to him in the computer mainframe. Some time after the events of The Big Lebowski, The Dude decides to reconcile his past and goes back to his old arcade where he gets sucked back into the computer, leading to the events of Tron Legacy.


    Even Horizon is a Warhammer 40k prequel.


      @KiethBlackLion, your Big Lebowski/Tron theory doesn’t happen to be inspired by Thor in Avengers Endgame, does it?


      No, it was inspired from watching VH1’s I Love the 80s on Youtube. They got to the year where they talked about Tron and then Jeff Bridges role from The Big Lebowski popped into my head and I remembered that Jeff  in Tron Legacy looked a lot like his character, The Dude.

      Though, I can understand why you would think that Thor inspired the idea.


      Bio-Dome is a prequel to Zardoz.

      Bud is Zed’s grandfather.

      Noah Faulkner’s work leads to building the Vortexes.


      Zed finishes what Bud started. Noah Faulkner’s schemes lead to the creation of the world of Zardoz.

      As a side note:




      I believe it is actually, Noah Faulkner:



        I have a fan theory for the MCU, but it’s for one of the TV shows

        Falcon and Winter Soldier: Although Sam and Bucky seem to be on the right track to becoming friends and team mates, i think at some point of the show their rivalry from Civil War will get the better of them, resulting in them fighting over Cap’s shield, and losing it, possibly to be found by Zemo, and their mission for season 1 will be to get Cap’s shield back falcon winter soldier civil war


        Bio-Dome is a prequel to Zardoz.

        Dr. Noah Faulkner’s experiment leads to the creation of ‘the Vortex’ in Zardoz. The philosophy and mentality of those who build the Bio-Dome

        are those of the people who become the Immortals in Zardoz. (see

        Bud is actually Zed’s grandfather.

        Zed finishes what Bud and Doyle started, and Noah Faulkner’s dream (nightmare) is destroyed.



        as a side note:


        however, I believe the head is of Dr. Noah Faulkner…



          I have a theory that Spaceball-1 is not only modeled after Transformers, but the SDF-1 from Robotech/Macross

          Probably not though lol




            The Starks from Game Of Thrones are Iron Man’s ancestors

            I literally started watching GOT ’cause I couldn’t get this theory out of my head 😂😂😂

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by DigiCat.
            • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by DigiCat.

            Star Wars is a Prequel to Star Trek as Star Wars takes place long long ago in a galaxy far far away but has very very advanced technology and science along with Force magic. What is to say that it is not impossible for someone from the galaxy that Star Wars came from a very very long time ago didn’t use their advanced understanding of science and maybe magic to seed life in other galaxies such as ours that lead Star Trek being our future and Star Wars as our very very remote past?




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