Fantastic watch on why seeming smart people adopt their Dogmas

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    Just thought I’d share. We think about this stuff all the time as we watch standards crumble. The part that was really nice to see highlighted is when he talks about how there’s a sort of social intelligence where people will believe and do insane things, because they know it will reward them socially.

    The video makers says he has no way of knowing if he’s honest or not and often talks about curiousity. But i think there’s a very obvious gauge one can use here. Do you ever change your mind? Do you ever admit you’re wrong? If you’re capable of doing these things, I think that’s a good way of knowing if you’re open minded or not, and not just following the mob.

    If you have the time this is a great watch that sheds some light on why the world has become so crazy.


      I love that channel, they do some very interesting stuff.

      I don’t think what we see (in this context) is all that complex.  It just seems that way due to the numbers of people in my summation.

      It’s a couple of things.

      1) herd mentality

      If the lead goose in a flock hauls butt in a direction a few follow and then so do the rest, people are the same although we have the ability to not choose that but the tendency is there.  So if you have 10 friends and 9 of them say OMG!  Trump is Hitler!  You are likely to go along with that because the herd around you does and even if you think different you might not say a word for the same reason.  This is why there are red and blue areas and not often an even mix in those places.

      2) not lack of intelligence but lack of thought effort which allows #1 to take over

      3) personal gain

      When an entity gives you special preference, allows you to do what you want above others and promises you income and other things, you will be very tempted to tow whatever like they tell you too.

      So when the government tells certain groups, hey I will give you stuff and allow you freedoms others might now have, people are all of a sudden big government supporters.  Although those preferences and “Free” money will DESTROY a group.  This is why the urban black communities have been decimated.  Any group given special things above others would turn out the same way.


      Yeah that’s what’s so compelling about it. We so often think of the world as infinitely complex, and it is in terms of the mass logistics of our world. The social structures they build are also complex, and evolve over time. But the base human natures that create this mass and complex insanity are very simple: tribalism, the need for virtue (even if it’s false), and a want to suppress all opposition at any cost, because they take everything for granted. The complexity of our industries and our demographics are a distraction from understanding the world we live in, and the driving forces of culture.

      We need to stop thinking of people as adults and believing politics and corporations exist as a benefit to society, we live in a post-adult world where the inmates of decadence run the asylum. The movers and shakers are petulant, they’re self affirming, and they’re so coddled they will no longer suffer the shame of being wrong, or allow meritocracy back because that requires hard work.

      They want to keep the “utopia” they have built, they cannot allow it to fall, because they are so invested, they are so ingrained with their failed ethos, that to accept the truth is to accept that they should not be entrusted with the power they wield, which  they use to enrich themselves while cloaking themselves in false moralism. The world over people are having to reconcile with the notion that they got everything they wanted, they made everything woke. But now everything woke is turning to shit. Again. “But it wasn’t REAL communism THIS time”, they’ll scream.

      Simply put, power corrupts, and these heirs to the kingdom have been spoiled since birth, never held to any standard, never had to internalize the notion that quality of life stems directly from how much you invest into something, and how talented you are at that discipline. They never had to build any character or a pain tolerance for truth. They’ve never fostered an appreciation for hard work and ethics, in fact they despise it, because anyone that has these qualities will call them out for their blatant bullshit.


        But the base human natures that create this mass and complex insanity are very simple: tribalism

        Yes and when those are left alone those are fine as it tends to balance and sort itself out.  The trouble began when governments decided to take advantage of those tendencies and control people.  And now you have large swaths of people demanding to be enslaved because they were told it was empowering.

        We need to stop thinking of people as adults and believing politics and corporations exist as a benefit to society, we live in a post-adult world where the inmates of decadence run the asylum. 

        This is a false perception.  The people running the world are smart and intelligent but also evil.  They are the ones who have harmed society intentionally.  Happy and well off people are difficult to control.  However, broken, hungry and destitute people are easy to control.  The damages done to society can be repaired but to complete that job will require an equal amount of effort and time it took to cause the damage.

        They want to keep the “utopia” they have built,

        I don’t think anyone, woke or otherwise, consider this utopia.  It’s the promise of utopia they are chasing but the world they want to exist cannot nor will it ever exist it’s all a lie.  In fact, any serious attempts to install that will cause collapse and then woke vanishes overnight with the first unanswered hunger pangs.

        Simply put, power corrupts

        It’s a deal with devil.  It can be refused but often this is not the case.  And something I have noticed, is anytime any group, population or society creates a pile of gold through success, eventually a dragon will find it.



        > And something I have noticed, is anytime any group, population or society creates a pile of gold through success, eventually a dragon will find it.

        This is a good point, and applies to power as well as gold. It’s why the Founding Fathers implemented separation of powers.


          This is a good point, and applies to power as well as gold. It’s why the Founding Fathers implemented separation of powers.

          So very true.  Bad people will infiltrate and use movement that gathers them influence and money.

          The founding fathers knew government would eventually become corrupt. This is why We The People were the check to that.

          What they did not anticipate is the people becoming corrupt.

          “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams


          nice post


          I think many people don’t do processing of information themselves or have a clear moral compass which they utilize to arrive at an answer on topics on individual levels, but they have something I would call a constellation of beliefs which is inherited through social circles and what news they consume.

          By constellations of believes I mean a package of micro beliefs which is inherited, and these micro beliefs go hand in hand. Like a person who is anti-capitalist most likely is pro Palestine, pro neo-pronouns (like zem/zyr), China apologist etc. and someone who is pro Trump most likely thinks Andrew Tate is innocent, are anti-vax, climate change deniers and so on.

          And the reason why it is hard to challenge these people is because their beliefs are not a result of deep reflection on topics, but their constellation of beliefs are like a Jenga tower where if you pull out one piece, the entire ideology collapses and they don’t know what to believe or do, so they keep clinging to the beliefs.

          Jeremy from GG has often said he treats politics as sports, which I think is really damaging. In sports you pick your team and ride for it no matter what, minimize when someone of your team commits a foul and exaggerating when your team gets fouled.

          Everyone has and will always have biases of course, and it can be near impossible to get rid of biases but I think it is crucial to be aware of your own biases and work from that.

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