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  • #160523

    If you are ever ready to do a full debate, I’m game.

    And since you are clearly a Lunar fan, I trust you to be honorable in such combat ;)


    Fear not, you still have Peacekeeper Wars ahead of you.


    I love Farscape!  It kind of came out of nowhere and really put Sci-Fi (SyFy) on the map.  Stargate SG-1 did what it did, and I-Man was interesting, but Farscape really drew me in.  To me, Farscape was the first network show that turned muppets into real, believable, characters for adults.  Rygel still kills me.  Like a lot of people, I cling to the feeble hope that Henson and O’Bannon will bring the show back.  They continue to tease, but so far haven’t come across.


    Henson magic is a wonderful thing to behold in its perfect execution. Where others rely on CG, the Henson workshop can still get it done.


    Farscape may be one of the greatest Sci-Fi series ever made. It was batshit crazy & so innovative.

    I rewatch it every few years.


    Remember the season three episode ‘Into the Lion’s Den (Part 2)- Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ when Crais gets Talyn to starburst in the carrier ?

    That was so unexpected. Scorpius walking around in the destruction while the water comes crashing down around him with the superb music score was just awesome.


    One of the best things about Farscape were the episode titles. They were always front and center at the start of each episode, unlike 90% of most TV shows that only have the episode titles on season lists.

    “Liars Guns and Money!”

    “We’re So Screwed!: La Bomba!”, which of course has one of my favorite Crichtonisms….”Welcome, to my Cold War!”


    Yeah, great titles. ‘Crackers Don’t Matter’, ‘Home On The Remains’, ‘Self-Inflicted Wounds: Could’a, Would’a, Should’a’, ‘Lava’s a Many Splendored Thing’, ‘Bringing Home the Beacon’.


      I watched and like the series but have not seen Peacekeeper Wars yet.


      It’s a smushed version of what Season 5 would have been. It ties just about everything up nicely, and it has a real ending you can walk away from satisfied.

      I cannot say anymore without spoilers.


      Farscape was such a fun and entertaining show. Are there any good places to stream it?


      I have no clue. I picked up the 15th Anniversary blu rays a few years ago, so I watch it any time I want. I already did my annual watch a few months ago.


      When I watched the series the whole way through I watched it on Amazon Prime. I’m in the UK though and I don’t know if the available shows differ by country.


      I just started watching this series for the first time about a week ago. I watched the first two episodes and immediately ordered the entire Blu-Ray set. I absolutely love it and am kicking myself for not seeing it sooner. They don’t make them like this anymore.


        If I re-watch them, I’ll gladly have this debate.

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