Finally, New Pokemon Snap!!!

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming Nintendo Hub Finally, New Pokemon Snap!!!

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      I’m so happy it’s finally happening, I’ve been waiting so long for this, always though 3DS and Wii U are perfect for this type of game but it never happened on them. I just hope it ahs more content than the 1st game, I love it but it’s way too short and lacks many 1st gen Pokemon.




      Sweet. Loved Snap! on the N64. I just wish the game wasn’t on rails. It would be nicer if you could actually move freely around the land. Gotta hide in the bushes so you can sneak up on Ponyta and hide amongst rocks to grab that perfect shot of Charizard.


        Of course I still own my day 1 N64 copy

        Pokemon Snap


        I still have mine too, just don’t have my N64 hooked up. Of course, I still have my original Blue game file with my lvl 100 Blastoise still kicking butt.


        It just occurred to me that the game would be perfect for Labo VR compatibility.

        Definitely getting the game regardless, but it’d be a good way for Nintendo to sell more cardboard again.


        What took them so long? I imagine this is a pretty easy concept to implement.

        I really liked the first snap but it had a serious lack of Pokémon diversity, which shouldn’t be a problem anymore. This could turn out to be great!


          As much as I love Nintendo, I’ve never gotten into Pokemon. With that said I’m happy for everyone that is and it’s another surprise announcement from the big N!

          I love it!

          Just give me Mario Galaxy Remastered!

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by DDayCobra.

          Pokemon Snapchat is back Eav3hU5UMAAV90LEauBelQVcAEHuQL


          I loved the original Pokemon Snap on N64, despite it being a glorified demo. lol

          So glad to see them bring it back after 20 years and countless new Pokemon to add. Also happy the pokemon say their name like in the anime, which was one of my favorite things about the original game.


              Notice that when a Pokemon game isn’t made by GameFreak, it looks amazing?

              I decided against Sword/Shield due to a combination of the dex cut and GameFreak’s really dishonest ‘explanations’ for why Pokemon were cut. But this could very well be a day 1 buy. Just hope that my favorite Pokemon (Scizor) shows up for some pictures.


              If only Pokemon Sword and Shield looked like this


              Hell the Pokemon Let’s Go games look better graphically


              My life is Pokemon Snap  90s kid i am loveeeeeeeeee love



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