Fuck LeBron James

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  • #185267

      Now the fool is speaking out about Goodyear.  Always remember this about LeBum:



      Like I need to know LeBron James’ opinions on tires


      He and his commi-nba can go fcuk themselves.

      And take your wah-nba with you.


      They used to pay athletes millions to just play sports. Then they realized that with that much money they can get them to say whatever they want them to say. You now have athletes quitting sports like Kaepernick to make even more money by using their mouth than they ever made killing themselves to try and be good at something…


      thank god, I was curious what the whiney ass king of flops’ thoughts were on some tires


      Does he even have vehicles with goodyear tires? I BET NOT!

      Look, when Kobe retired, I stopped giving a damn about the NBA. Lebron will never be better than MJ. Hell, he’s not even on Kobe’s level!


      MJ transcended the sport.

      People who were never fans of basketball now wanted to know more about the sport, and its personalities/what they had to sell.

      That made MJ a Billionaire.


      Now jerks like LeBron are turning away the casual fans, but long term fans as well.

      We still think highly of MJ, and purchase AirJordan items.  He was/is a class act.  A role model missing in today’s NBA.

      LeBron, does he even sell anything people want to buy?  Is he just an ego?


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