Geeks and Gamers should start an Art Website

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Geeks and Gamers should start an Art Website

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    With how censorship is cracking down everything on the internet, I worry often about will this eventually affect Deviantart which I had been there for years posting up alot of art I just do for fun to help me be creative and keep my mind off of the craziness in life.

    Everyday I worry will my art like my picture of Samus Aran in a bikini be considered too….sexist and then not be allowed to post that picture on DA.

    I then hear about how Jeremy is creating a website that is stands for freedom for people on the internet and I wonder would Jeremy consider building up a Geeks and Gamers art website or something within this site that can be like Deviantart and I can post out my pictures of Samus Aran in a bikini doing sexual things like getting naked for the gamer and not get kicked off the site for exercising my creativity?

    Cause with the world is going we need art uncensored as much as possible because art falls under the category of escapism and gives people enjoyment.

    I can’t exactly reach Jeremy directly as I don’t have a Twitter, Facebook or any social media nor do I know his direct email to reach him at but I hope he or someone who knows him directly can look my topic here and consider my request.

    Cause there doesn’t seem to be a place like Deviantart that is pro free speech and expression that won’t bend the knee to the mob?

    Jeremy is always looking for new things to improve Geeks and Gamers why not this?



      I’m not sure about making a whole other site, but an art section here on G+G woul be cool, in the meantime there’s an Art thread started by @KristaNovva


      G+G has direct messiging, you could try send Jeremy a messege with your ideas for the site

      I have nothing against posting sexy art, but i would hold back from posting anything too x-rated on here, as there’s no age restriction so there could be kids on the site

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