Groanworthy Pundemics….

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  • #186629

    Finland has just closed their borders.

    No one will be crossing the finish line.

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    So many coronavirus jokes out there, it’s a pundemic.

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    Due to the quarantine, I’ll only be telling inside jokes.

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    No is not the right time to surround yourself with positive people.

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    There will be a minor baby boom in 9 months, and then on day in 2033, we shall witness the rise of the quaranteens.

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    The World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract covid-19.

    Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released.

    To be clear, WHO let the dogs out!

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    Why do they call it the novel coronavirus?  It’s a long story…

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    I’ll Tell you a coronavirus joke now, but you’ll have to wait two weeks to see if you got it.

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    I ran out of toilet paper and had to start using old newspapers.

    Times are rough.

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    Back in my day you would cough to cover up a fart.

    Now, with covid-19, you fart to cover up a cough.

    *** *** ***

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