History is Repeating Itself

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  • #167276

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      Take a deep breath my friend, we are all going to need to keep our wits about us.

      The anger you feel right now, you are not alone.

      When people bow before The Black Israelites you know something is just around the corner.

      You are witness to the defeat of America, but the fight hasn’t even started yet.  People would kneel after being defeated in battle in our history.  The very kind you are seeing from every company and cucked out white person you see.

      Just as in the video I shared, there is no solution, yet.


      I totally agree with you Niko.  There is more and more and more than I am seeing that reminds me of tactics that were used by the Germans, and by the SS.

      Here’s the thing tho, it’s all part of a grander playing game.  The SJWs have what their upper echelon call the 100 year plan.  It first got noticed, about 1955.  It’s a plan of social, political, and ideological subversion.   It was written about and detailed by the legend of warcraft, Sun Tzu, in his book The Art of War. (Which Hitler did takes notes from) (As did the Russian KGB).  And is also outlined in the KGB handbook for Taking a country without firing a shot.



      Saul Anskly wrote a book on it too.
      then we have Orwell and 1984 but that was supposed to be a warning not a how too book.

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