How Brutal is Doom Eternal? Rip and Tear into it’s amazing Photo Mode

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube How Brutal is Doom Eternal? Rip and Tear into it’s amazing Photo Mode

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    How Brutal is Doom Eternal? Rip and Tear into it’s amazing Photo Mode.

    Have We forgotten the brutality of Hell on Earth? Have we forgotten what it’s like to Rip & Tear until it’s DONE!
    I send YOU onto Them so you can remember & return to Hell to RIP & TEAR!

    You guys know I love photo mode features in video games & I am willing to play any game that has a good photo mode if it is artistic enough. Doom Eterna does have an in depth Photo mode that I love. You can chose to have an active frame rate, the draw & pan distance is incredible, it’s not just an orbital camera. I hope you enjoy this artistic video series of Photo Mode videos. Check the playlist if you want to see more.
    I want to revisit The Witcher’s photo mode but man, I’m running out of time to make all the videos I want. We’ll see.


    Hey mods/admins & @ddaycobra if I ever overstep my boundaries in self promotion please let me know, last thing I want is to abuse the system or annoy people.


    Also miracle of sound makes an incredible original song for both doom and doom eternal. Big guts and bigger guns and Hell to Pay

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Salvince.


      A self adverting post of something applicable to G+G here and there I think is perfectly fine.   Just as a suggestion though, if it gets to a point where maybe you are posting daily with your YT videos or more than daily, putting it all in a “GiggaVega” thread might be the most concise thing to do.  I am not telling you what to do mind you, just making a suggestion as someone who prowls the forums daily.


      A 2nd video on the Brutally Beautiful Photo Mode of DOOM ETERNAL. I was very surprised people actually watch the first video (260 views)
      I’ll make some more. I want to try & see if the Algorithm will push a Demon’s Souls photo mode next time. I don’t know if it was ID studio or Bethesda that made the Photo Mode, but it is great. Even the Starfield Photo Mode is great but where  to use it lol, it’s so bland.

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