How many years does America have left? I know the land will always exist, but how many years does a free America have left? I give it roughly 8 to 12 years. Why? I see some very dangerous things brewing:
-The left wants to stack the supreme court — this effectively ends the three-branch government system with its inherent checks and balances.
-Coupled with the supreme court — the democrats want Puerto Rico and DC to be states. This effectively grants Democrats control of the both the House and the Senate always. It also paves the way for Democrat control of the Presidency.
-I also want people to understand that once the US goes, the rest of the Western nations go with it. Within 30 years, you could see an entire world governed by socialism. Like Bush said — a New World Order.
The Democrat Party is the single greatest threat to this nation. Forget China. Forget Russia. Forget global warming bullshit. The reality is the Democrat Party is the single biggest threat to this nation and by extension — the world.