How much of this goes on that never makes it past local news?

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      I see one of these online every so often and it’s always only local news.  I cannot help but wonder how much of this goes on that never hits the headlines.  How many kids are killed, taken or molested and we never hear about it?  And we wonder where all this grooming BS is going?  This is where it’s going.



        In all Honesty, Thousands of Murders never get outside the local news.


        To be blunt, I wish more stories NEVER went outside the local jurisdiction. The reasons they do are few ( Ratings or Politics ) being the two biggest reasons. Lets just look at Amber vs Johnny, no reason on the planet for a private matter to be televised, Judge should never allowed it, its all about ratings for them all.  How about The Floyd case, had it not been covered any more than local we would not have had the riots of 2020.  I can go on as I am sure most people can.


        We really do not need to be slammed with bad news all the time, in fact it is very unhealthy to be. Imagine if the news only reported locally your surrounding counties, a little state news and a little federal and world. That is how it use to be. Then again I am old enough to remember when there was a lot of good news reported as well. Cannot tell you the last time I was able to watch a newscast where there was more “Good and public fun events” reported on than doom and gloom. Why I stopped watching the news.  99.99% of it has not barring or effect on my life and only drags you down seeing the bad constantly.


        Most cases of “runaways” are never solved.

        Or abductions, that leads to crime, sex trade, sexual abuse, being killed, etc.

        Stores of pedos, pedo islands, human/child trafficing, etc.

        It is sick and under reported on.

        Almost like they are deliberately covering it up.


        Everyone with half a brain knows thousands of those who disappear each year end up on some Epstein island or in some basement to be consumed for adrenochrome by the ruling class.


          I find such situations as this disturbing as any normal human being would.

          However, I feel the indifference toward it in general is a reason to literally be depressed.

          The moment life loses it’s value (and they are pushing hard for that) is the moment we all lose our value as human beings.

          This is why we must uphold the value of life in all phases.  Unborn and born.

          Why?  You cannot devalue some life without devaluing all life.

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