How to create a zone to protect goverment doctrine

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      I have been saying this is and I think this is evidence of it.  The state does not care what doctrine it uses to beat you into compliance with.  In the 90’s Christianity was the excuse and now it is the gay movement.

      Listen to her words, they are not trying to create a protection zone but one in which you essentially cannot disagree with whatever it is they are saying or doing because then you will be labelled a phobe and criminally charged and fined. Extend this one more step and any disagreement with that agenda gets you locked up.  It’s just a way for the goverment to lay down it’s authoritarian polices and charge you for disagreeing.

      “The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
      ― Albert Camus


      What a freakshow. Canada is so authoritarian and fascist they make China and North Korea look liberal by comparison


        “Canada is so authoritarian and fascist they make China and North Korea look liberal by comparison”

        Well not yet but it’s almost there.  I mean this move is going to make it literally illegal to disagree with whatever the mainstream doctrine is because all they will do is call whatever you are saying hateful or homophobic and bam you get fined or arrested.   Quite literally if you were to go to one of these areas simply holding a Bible they would call that hate speech and arrest you.  Look at that Canadian woman who got arrested for silently praying for the unborn.

        Canada is near lost unless they do some serious revolution here and quick.


        Yup, if this goes through then it becomes a template for whatever else they want to shut down or censor.



        Protect the deranged individuals by discriminating against 99% of the nation.

        As one saying goes, the inmates are running the asylums.

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