If Superpowers were real

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  • #185639

    If Superhuman Abilities were real, do you think the US will give Superhuman Abilities the 2nd Amendment treatment?


    I can’t imagine how it could be controlled, since superhuman abilities wouldn’t be able to be confiscated. At best, they could be criminalized regardless of the 2nd amendment. With how polarizing things are today, there would probably be double standards on who could use them depending on your political leaning.


      Unfortunately, yes, we already saw this happen in Civil War with the Sokovia accords


      I don’t see how the 2nd would apply?

      What does having a mutant/superpower ability have to do with the right to bear arms?


      And I don’t see how the 2006-07 story-arc by marvel would apply.

      Will all the media talking about people’s rights (aka alphabet community and minorities), I don’t think any court would find it constitutional if a “Registration Acts” were ever enacted.  It would smack too much like what the nazis did to a segment of their populations.


      The Second pertains to the right to “keep and bear arms.” It’s open to interpretation whether or not superpowers would qualify as arms.



      plural noun: arms
      weapons; armaments.
      “arms and ammunition”
      weapons (of war)





      I can see this being a contentious legal issue in the courts. Of course the government would fight against recognizing additional rights since they generally fight to centralize power. Those in favor would say that the powers were given to them for a reason and should therefore not be banned, and that they can be used to do good and in self-defense, while those opposed would say that not everyone has superpowers so no one should have more power over another etc. I would be in favor of superpowers even if I didn’t have any because I would be interested to see how that would play out. Superpowers could potentially save us from asteroids and space aliens and so forth, and from bad guys with superpowers. If they made superpowers illegal then only super villains would use their powers and good super people would have their hands tied by the law like in The Incredibles.


      I don’t know but it’ll be what all you say which are good points.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by VinzingerG.

      Clownifornia would sure do it though, considering everything else they passed through which the majority finds ‘unconstitutional’.

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