IOC warns countries that block athletes for political reasons risk hosting

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    IOC warns countries that block athletes for political reasons risk harming Olympic host bids

    Countries that exclude athletes from competing for political reasons risk harming their plans to host an Olympic Games, the IOC said Sunday.

    And yet, the IOC has been doing just that (neutral athletes).

    The “growing politicization of sport” was flagged as a problem by International Olympic Committee member Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the former president of Croatia, in an update to global sports leaders about countries who want to host the games in future.

    Sports was meant to bring people/nations together, but now it has become so political.

    “We have witnessed more and more government restrictions being placed on athletes’ access to international sporting competitions,” Grabar-Kitarović said in Mumbai at the IOC’s annual meeting.

    And that is not gonna stop any time soon.

    Sadly, I can see the day where only athletes of the ruling “party” be allowed to compete.  That is how bad the bi-polar world of politics is heading.


    I wonder if the athletes that use these events to promote their political ideologies will be held to account as well?




      I cannot read the article because I block MSN but I would imagine this is a warning about excluding trans athletes.  Now that the radical left has power internationally they are going to motivate you to do as they wish economically just like the WEF does.


      The article does not mention “trans”, just “growing politicization of sport”.

      How many nations refuse to play verses another nation for “political” reasons?

      How many nations refuse to let athletes to travel or even train within their nation?

      How many nations refuse to allow athletes form certain nations to join sports teams within their nation?

      As more and more governing sports bodies create policies to protect female sports for women only, will they (the IOC) call that “growing politicization of sport” or the forcing biological men (trans) by the radical extremely toxic far alt left being the “growing politicization of sport”?

      Athletes should be representing the people of their nation/country.  Not their government nor ruling party/regime.

      Athletes should be non-political too.


        “The article does not mention “trans”, just “growing politicization of sport”.”

        Yes, that’s called propaganda :)

        (I know you know that I am just being a smartarse)

        ” forcing biological men (trans) by the radical extremely toxic far alt left being the “growing politicization of sport”?”

        It is redundant to say “biological” man or woman.  There is no other kind and using such a phrase gives credence to the thought that there is.  We can use the term “trans” man or woman and that properly indicates that this is someone whom wants to try to live as the opposite sex yet we know what they really are.

        This also goes for “cis”.  Saying “cis” man or woman is redundant even if we accept the use of that term.  All men and women are cis unless they are trans and then we refer to them as such indicating the situation.

        When we need to refer to a small minority we use the descriptor for that minority and we know without that descriptor you are in the majority.  There are probably something like half a million albinos in the world.  Do we refer to everyone not albino, cis albino?  No, because it is redundant and unneeded.

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