It begins… (Gina vs. Disney Case)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions It begins… (Gina vs. Disney Case)

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  • #321877


    Ike Perlmutter sold his entire stake in Disney today for something like 3 Billion dollars.


    Good it’s about time DIsney started to see consequences for what they’ve done. This trial will be a circus and a PR nightmare for DIsney. I hope Gina Carano wins because it will embarrass Disney all the more. Harsh as this may sound Disney deserves to pay dearly for what they’ve done.


    Now that it will head to discovery, I heard some people commented that the evil empire of the mouse might offer Gina a huge settlement to stop it from going forward to actual discovery, or during discovery to make sure it does not see the light of day.  Complete with NDA of the contents of any discovery items.

    But alot of former fans of the once family friendly magic kingdom that I know wants everything revealed, how sick the mouse has become, and having them sell off parts to help pay for the settlement/verdict as it has become too big, too political, and has lost its way.

    Go Gina Go!

    Win for the little guy, and everyone censored/cancelled/etc.





    Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 14-32-23 Vox Popoli


    Lots of amazing creatives who were robbed of their chance to make this world a better place by creating great movies and shows were destroyed by Disney. I hope they get a piece of the pie too! It’s a shame Disney didn’t fall to pieces simply by being a terrible company full of hacks, but our world has become so broken that all these crooks and liars can support one another through corrupt courts and printed money.

    Hoping this is a sign of things getting better, and a return to meritocracy and sanity!

    Edit: This site is damn near impossible to post on any more!


      @ IllTemperedTuna : Ya, I am about fed up with trying to post on here honestly. It takes upwards of 30 seconds for a page/thread to even load. Then you get logged out continually, then bad gateways. They need to acknowledge this is some fashion with an announcement, because it is ruining me wanting to even come here now. I copy every post before I post it because 50% of the time it is “Bad Gateway” or logs you out.

      This is not how you run a forums. I know, I used to help run one.


      Wrote a song about this site called “Bad Gateway”


        @comicsgate : LOL That is funny man. But, it shouldn’t be happening.

        Today I waited for over a min for the forums to load, they never did, it was eventually “Bad Gateway”. So, I tried again, about 40 seconds later they finally loaded. The “Bad Gateway” has been going on for a while now. But, the LONG loading times for the forums has been going on for over a year. So, at this point I call it incompetency. Not saying it to be mean or rude, just as a fact of customer service. The problems with the forums have ruined it. Jeremy thinks it’s wrong to buy a new webcam she he can have a quality broadcast, even though people throw money at him every Cobracast and frankly some people purposefully sent him money FOR a new webcam, well maybe they feel the same way about the forums? Again, I am NOT saying this to be an ass, this is essentially a product, and it is lacking in quality and damage control.

        G&G Staff. Either fix the forums, or take it down until you can. 

        (I now copy this post because 50% of the time it fails to post and just “Bad Gateway”)


        I have heard a bit about the battle going on between Gina Carano and Disney and I have to be honest in saying here that I do hope that Gina does literally kick disney’s Ass over this situation because I would say for sure that they did fire her for No good reasons or should I put it bluntly here,they fired her over really stupid reasons which makes the Disney company look like a company filled with Jackasses & Pedophiles ! So,I say Good Luck to Gina- Give them HELL !

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