I’ve been shadow banned on Twitter for HATEFUL content

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  • #190965

    So for the past month or so I started noticing my posts were not getting the traffic they used to get. I am an extremely small account of less than 100 followers but I have become well known around many groups of Pro Trump groups & Anti PedRofilia (the R is silent, I don’t know if some words are unspeakable here or not lol.
    I created a hashtag called #WWSTSDN (We Will Shut That Shit Down. No Exceptions!)
    I made a short series some of you might be aware of called The Red Series on Youtube. I use that series to bring attention to garbage like Cuties & how there are groups that were once silent but now are working in & out of the shadows to attempt to normalize PedRofilia (the R is silent)
    So I also make posters using The Walking Dead’s Negan as the poster-boy for Anti-PedRofilia (The R is silent) some are mild & some are a bit rough. So the other night, Cringe Panda tags me to let me know I was shadow banned on Twitter & that explains why I went from thousands of views to hundreds of views to now sometimes less than 10 views.
    How the Hell did we get to a place where if you defend children, call out companies that promote Child P*rn & the exploitation of children, how did I become the bad guy? But do you know what? If they are trying to make PedRos (The R is silent) the good guys, then FINE, I’ll gladly be the Bad Guy!
    So I don’t know who will read this & resonate with them, but if you guys want to help me out by checking my Youtube channel, I would greatly appreciate it cause the thing is, if one platform shadow bans you, the other ones likely have as well.
    Thank you Very much & God Bless.
    (my channel is Giggavega & all my social media is GiggaVega as well)


    This site will tell you how badly you are shadow banned:


    This site is what Twitter censorship patrols use to bot sentinel. I’m disappointed that I’m not problematic any more 😿



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