I have been taking in a lot of info on reparations for some time from many sources. I have come to the point where it’s no different than welfare, it is just buying votes and while it claims to help it does nothing but harm.
In the below video is a known “libertarian” talking about the argument for reparations. I find this silly because if you call for this you are essentially not a libertarian. If I say I am a Christian but I do not believe in Christ, then I am not a Christian. Same thing here.
His lays out a long agreement for reparations which to me sounds like a bunch of minuscule and unprovable nonsense , throwing everything at the wall he can hoping something sticks. For me none of it does. There are a number of reasons for this. Here are my reasons.
– The idea that slavery was motivated by race is not correct. It just so happens Africans were selling other Africans in a market so that’s who got bought. If you look through the annals of time, most of the time, the same race enslaved the same race. They conquered what was near them. Now did racism ensue based on slavery? Yes. That’s a different thing than slavery however. And the thing to note here is American did not invent racism, it’s gone on since forever and it still does today. But American did fight a war in part to stop it. That is unique in history.
– The claim is often that white people or the white government caused racism and must atone for it. Well it was not so much white people as wealthy people. Yes, in America most folks were white and so were most wealthy people but if you have a vision of every white devil having slaves you have it very wrong.
– This libertarian’s argument is that the federal government must atone financially for harming black people based on stolen labor and unfulfilled promises. Well, some of that might be true in that black folks were wronged. We know this to be the case but so were other folks, American Indians , the Irish etc. This victim narrative is not unique.
– Here is where the rubber meets the road. Should the federal government pay black people? No, it’s a silly premise. Why? Assigning current people the sin of folks 150+ years ago is baseless. And furthermore the government would not be paying anything as it does not have it’s own money it simply has the taxpayers money. So the taxpayers pay reparations and not the government. You know who many taxpayers are? Black folks. So if you think it’s a plus to pay for the check written to you then you are a fool. I think a case can also be made that “free” money has been given to folks for a long time in this country in the form of welfare. Has that solved anything? No. Have things only gotten worse? Yes.