Jujutsu Kaisen Drama leading to Death Threats (Manga Spoiler ahead)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Manga Jujutsu Kaisen Drama leading to Death Threats (Manga Spoiler ahead)

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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Just full disclosure, any time a quote “fanbase” makes threats because of what the author does with his characters, I Immediately want to track these Fuckers down and give them a taste of disrespect.</p>
    First, these are HIS CHARACTERS AND HIS STORY. Whoever is writing Jujutsu Kaisen is free to write the story in any way he chooses.

    Spoiler warning:



    Gojo Dies to Sukuna.

    I don’t care. I am glad Gojo is dead. The guy was cocky until the end and played his role like Icarus. Hubris = Death. It makes the story better and honestly, it wouldnt be a good story if he survived.


    Let’s face it, accept it, good story telling is seeing our favorite protagonists dying. Lose a critical character makes the story that much more engaging. Also to note, if you see people making threats towards creators, please report them to the authorities. Thank you.



    I got used to seeing characters I like die years ago😂. ‘Game of Thrones’ toughened me up even more sometime later🤣.


    Season 1 ending to GoT was basically the “noooo everyone really liked you” moment. 😂 Jujutsu Kaisen isn’t even the top of the iceberg.

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