Kathleen Kennedy Fled the County

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    This morning I had a conversation with someone where I found this out and I was wondering if people had more information.  Kennedy fled the country when the Twilight Zone Movie helicopter accident killed an actor and a child.  She was the co-producer and broke child labor laws.  Nothing ever happened to her.

    Now we may know she might be destroying everything.  They have something on her on top of the fact she is a crazy feminist and feminism destroy everything … absolutely everything.


    Several u-tubers are commenting that KK so desperately wants to push her agenda, and the fact rumours are the crew of the Mandalorian are about to erase the Disney trilogy from canon, that KK is gonna burn down the Indiana Jones franchise in part revenge/in part to push her agenda.

    She WILL kill Mr.Jones, both in character and in what he has accomplished, and time travel back to where Indy never got the fedora hat nor began his adventuring days.

    That is, if the rumours are true.


    Hopefully, if the rumours ARE true, that the higher ups see how horrible this shit piece of film is, they decide to NEVER release it in any form…



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