LeBron James is done with the Dallas Cowboys

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    LeBron James is done with the Dallas Cowboys after response to kneeling protests

    The Dallas Cowboys have lost a fan in LeBron James.

    During an Instagram Live with his business partner Maverick Carter on Thursday night, James said he’s done rooting for the Cowboys after the organization’s response to players kneeling during the national anthem.

    The top jester’s is only a fan of himself.

    …James said. “… The organization was like ‘if you do that around here, you won’t ever play for this franchise again.’ I just didn’t think that was appropriate.”

    As is there right.  If you are an employee, you work within the corporate culture the firm decides.

    “America’s team” owner Jerry Jones gave his players pretty clear messaging about racial injustice protests in 2017, pioneered by Colin Kaepernick.

    “If there’s anything that is disrespectful to the flag, then we will not play. OK? Understand? If we are disrespecting the flag, then we won’t play. Period” Jones said.

    So it took LeJoke 5 years to make up his mind that some sports franchises won’t tolerant disrespect for the National Flag (and Anthem).

    And you WON’T be missed.

    OH, BTW: MJ is the G.O.A.T.

    You are just a marxist/CCP lover.


    Like rats abandoning a sinking ship…


      Who the fuck cares about LeBron. Seriously the guy is toxic.

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