This is Liam Gray, as I will confirm on my official twitter @conquestcomicsofficial if there is need for me to verify. It was brought to my attention that the walking poster child for abortion Jon Del Arroz recently attempted to join G+G. I found out on tonight’s stream at around the 1 hour 28 minute mark: https://youtu.be/I0A3OjjP9KM
For those who do not know JDA has spent several years running a cancel-pig style misinformation campaign to malign and isolate me. He and others (like Yellow Flash) have made a consorted effort to damage me. As a result very few people have ever taken the actual time to get to the truth of the matter. Similarly, I’ve never given much time to G+G, instead just making my manga and doing my own thing. However, I would officially like to reach out to speak to Jeremy in private about potentially joining your efforts and what I can help to contribute to your site and community.
I am not going to lie, I purely want to join because I know you having me on will bring JDAs piss to a boil, but in the spirit of professionalism, I can offer art services, commentary, and I would like to establish communications and discussion.
Please let Jeremy know I am trying to reach him. He can DM me here, on twitter, or we can talk on the phone or in email. Thank you for your time and consideration. Its good to see a panel of people who can see through the smoke and mirrors.