So, some of you may buy and read Manga like me. Well, I am newer to buying Manga. And I have run into a roadblock on quite a few Manga I want to buy.
Yet another side-effect to COVID was that many people started buying Manga. You would think that is a good thing, well it is for the most part. But, a downside is that is caused a lot of manga to become out of print because a lot printing places were shut down or low staffed.
So, here I am wanting to buy more manga. But in many cases book one or early volumes are out of print/unavailable. Who wants to read a manga if for example vol 3 is not available but vol 2 and 4 are easy to get? Not me. And, if you want to buy it off ebay, well it’s a rip off. For example, book 4 or 5 of Call of the Night is going for $55+, where it should be about 1o bucks (on like all the other volumes are. Kill La Kill , which is out of print everywhere, is upwards of $75 per volume on ebay!!! Ridiculous.
I am hoping the prices come down as things get back to “normal” with staffing and availability. I really want to read some more manga!